So sorry to hear this! Cancer sucks (I went through it) I pray everything goes well for you. If you have a chance check into RSO for help with the...
Roger Carter has stepped down as trustee (due to their moving) and I have stepped back up as trustee. I want to see what evenings are best for...
I won’t be there due to the fact I have a vendor event for my Color Street biz. I hope you all have a great turnout. Wish I could be there.
I was planning on going and not booking any vendor shows but one came up that I just couldn’t pass up. The Des Moines County fair first ever...
I will be there.
I placed other. I want to win an Apex since my husband won’t let me spend the money for one, lol.
I like this meeting better then what was originally planned to be at my house, lol. Especially since we both have tanks to set up there. Lol. I...
I want to go providing I am not too sick from my cancer treatments and if I can plan on hitching a ride with you Roger and Cindy.
Wondering if any one would be interested in carpooling for this event.
Feb. 24th - QC Speaker carpool March - Spring fest April 28th @noon - potluck and club wide DIY fish food @ Chlora’s May 19th - Tank tour June -...
I plan on coming providing Roger and Cindy Carter are still going for me to ride along with them.
Just a reminder to all! The burlington region has their Christmas party this Sat. It is potluck and everyone is also to bring a gift for the gift...
I will be there and looking forward to it.
I will be supplying the hamburgers and hotdogs with buns.
Just letting everyone know I won't be going to the spring fest. I would want to spend money to get corals but I just had to spend the money for...
I will be making it after all. My Family Christmas get together has been postponed due to Waterloo's snowstorm coming this weekend.
I want to try and make it. Weather permitting.
I can't make it. I will be in Waterloo celebrating Christmas with my family.
Separate names with a comma.