I have three $50 gift certificates that I no longer need and figured I would let someone else use them. $100 for all three. I can either send...
Whats left: Tunze ATO $110 Blue LED strip from MACNA $45 Refractometer $30 Bioellets $70 Half Box RC Salt $30 Neptune DC8 $75 Acclimator...
Also found some other stuff -Grounding Probe $10 -Clear One Gallon PVC Jug with Cap from BRS (6) @ $2.00 per jug Shoot me an e-mail...
-Brand new Reef Savvy 48 x 30 x 16 drilled with 700gph glassholes overflow(Retail over $1000) SOLD -40 breeder drilled with 700gph...
Salinity monitor and ph monitor Sold!
Reef Savvy tank sold pending final payment! Take the other tanks for $100
Ok so actually that is 5 tanks. Reef Savvy, 40 breeder drilled for display, 40 breeder setup for sump, 15g tall setup as a sump and fluval edge....
All 4 tanks including the Reef Savvy $750!!!!!!
Updated! Everything is OBO so make them offers. Or if you have something interesting to trade try me. -Brand new Reef Savvy 48 x 30 x 16 drilled...
Just found -Milwaukee pH monitor w/probe and will include calibration fluid $35 -Neptune DC8 $75 -Reef Gently Acclimator (smaller version) $40...
-Brand new Reef Savvy 48 x 30 x 16 drilled with 700gph glassholes overflow(Retail over $1000) Make me an offer I can't refuse -40 breeder drilled...
For now I am getting out but may get back into things when I have more room. I want it all to go at once if possible. I am goimg to list a...
Ok going to start breaking it up. If you know you want something PM me and we can go from there. Otherwise I will start gettings things posted...
Bump.....need to move this Reef Savvy tank
Reef Savvy tank can be sold separetely if anyone is interested shoot me an offer. Responses may be delayed for the next 6 days or so as I will be...
Open to reasonable offers also but I don't really want to lose my a** on all this. I will break it up if it comes down to it.
Separate names with a comma.