I have this available, but sump does not fit in the stand For Sale - 58 gallon Oceanic tank + extras
Hello all! I have been out of the hobby for a while but we are coming out of a school year of afterschool care and about to be entering a couple...
20 gallon Long freshwater planted tank with two male Ameca Splendens for sale - $35 Additionally, 1 empty 20 gallon Long tank
Spring fest bump, need gone today 58 Gallon Oceanic Tank with standl and glass top - $100 58 Gallon Oceanic Tank with stand and glass top Custom...
Chalice and clown sold, not sure how to edit.
bumping with lowered prices, ty! 58 Gallon Oceanic Tank with stand and glass top - $135 58 Gallon Oceanic Tank with stand and glass top Custom...
Better pic of chalice, sorry for blurple. Used to look like this back when all my parameters were in check. Bought for 75 at a spring fest. Gold...
58 Gallon Oceanic Tank with stand and glass top - $165 58 Gallon Oceanic Tank with stand and glass top Custom 40 Breeder sump - $40 Custom 40...
Thanks for the advice, all. I picked up some freeze dried food and managed to get an old auto-feeder back up and running, so he should be good...
Going on vacation for a week and have no way to feed my trigger, was considering throwing in a bunch of ghost shrimp but decided it was...
My stand is 32x12 sadly but any other time if I had the space I would jump on that!
Bumping. Aforementioned items and more are all still up for grabs, RBTAs baseball+ sized $25 each. Also looking for a rimless tank with the same...
Bump. All prices are OR Best Offer. Everything is still available. Also have this 165w, LED barely used with lenses currently removed for wider...
But this one is rare man!
Looking to do a little spring cleaning, would consider some soft coral trades of equivalent value. ORA Easter Egg Chalice - 50 Open Brain Welso -...
Separate names with a comma.