Separate names with a comma.
I have some equipment left over after taking my tank down a little over a year ago. I am located in Iowa City but will be traveling west across...
Responded to PMs and updated pricing
I have some equipment left over after taking my tank down 6 months ago. I am located in Iowa City. All prices are OBO, cash only. AI Hydra 26...
Tank is still available. I really need this gone!
pm sent
pms sent
I am moving very soon and still need to sell the tank/stand setup! I cannot move it with me. If anyone has any interest make me an offer and I...
jweb, Yes the overflow box is still available.
They are 1 gallon containers of kalkwasser, calcium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate. All about 75% full.
Since I am moving I am trying to sell off the remnants of my 37 gallon column setup. I am in Iowa City, prices are all OBO and cash only. EDIT:...
Thanks to everyone for their interest! Everything is currently sold or pending.
Prices updated.
Responded to with pm's.
I am breaking down my tank and moving soon. I need to sell and rehome my remaining livestock ASAP. Prices are all OBO, cash only. Due to the...
I have updated a few items and prices in the original post.
I am in Iowa City
Between finishing grad school and moving out of state I no longer have the time or money to keep my system going. I am selling my entire system...
I decided to quit wasting money by trying to save money. Joe at Coral Haven helped me pick out a new AI Hydra 26 fixture. It should be shipped to...
I have a mix of things in the tank. Some softies some lps (pagoda cup, hammer, frogspawn) and some sps (mostly birdsnest and monti's). I am most...
Tonight I attempted to modify my DIY LED setup and accidently crossed two wires and blew up a few drivers. Now I am stuck without any working...