Separate names with a comma.
jewel anemone, 90% sure
will you part out? or selling as whole?
Pm sent
did you read the How-To?
i think this thread was aimed at the people who abuse the buy/sell forum. the average visitor who occasionally buys or sells their own personal...
if you are lucky they will stay out of each others sight. you will just have to wait and see. good luck
shouldnt be an issue. i have redone my 10g sump a few times. it may not be a bad idea to build a new one. and just swap it with the old. it might...
try and stick to cantainers that are known food safe. there is butt loads of info on the web to help find something. Brute trashcans are foodsafe,...
lets stay on topic here
if you go to your next regional meeting and decide its not so bad and might want actually be apart of a group of people that share the same...
this isnt cowboys and indians here... member or not he as the seller has the right to sell to whoever he chooses. sorry plans didnt work out for...
and look at the FINE example of a great club member you are. butt hurt over a fish you wanted so bad you didnt even want to go and get it. Then...
You want to know if paying $20 will help your threads every week to sell all your stuff so you can downsize/upgrade and back and forth? No it...
i couldnt see it from my phone. i apologize. the post was editted.
reffer to the BUY/SELL rules Buyers 1.This forum is for buying/selling or trading – it is not intended for discussion or feedback or...
if he isnt a member then what does this message mean? if you wanted the fish, should have went to get it honestly. plans change and im sure...
Im guessing being proactive pays off. He needed the fish gone and Pete traveled quite a distance to get it I wouldnt be mad at Pete how...
i would be a little more concerned about the float failure... if and when it happens you have flooded your tank and signficantly dropped salinity.
by being a member it shows that you respect all the club has to offer. being a member lets me know that they help pay for the events all other...