Separate names with a comma.
if you can get your laptop to boot past BIOS keep hitting f8 till you get the safe mode option (loads limited driver set). once in there right...
if you have another computer handy you might be able to throw together a BART PE disk and get your files off at least
can you see your hard drive in the Bios? i dont doubt you on the weight if the craigs guy intends to use a forklift to move it
you might try craigslist or ebay
I am not sure bumps are going to do it. Even 50% of what you are asking for this is nuts IMHO
I agree if you have to buy livestock Seascapes is the best in DSM cost wise unless you are brave and want to chance Petco. Adams is always...
i have also had really good luck with If you want to save money usually online is the way to go
Liveaquaria is awesome +1
pm sent
oops sorry this is sold
Looking to add to the corals i have in my 29 bio cube. it is a normal bio cube with the PC lights. Currently i have some shrooms and polyps
ahh pulling in the MACNA ripoff discussion.... nice get under your bridge troll!
here is a rather funny youtube vid that i have seen on Conan
IMHO there are a few movies that were great and shouldn't be remade. I think after seeing it that this is one of them. It was a ok movie don't get...
a fish tank i can enjoy.... someone simply talking about a fishtank i find less enjoyable.. but i see the angle. not everyone is proficient at...
if good deals arent what it is about you should change the title of your post "Corals and equipment for sale SUPER CHEAP!" as it is very very...
i am also open to coral trades