My old saying is that "everyone has $20 bucks but not everyone has $200 to spend on a coral". VERY nice coral by the way!
Just tell Courtney that "all the cool kids have them!" Looks great about a FTS.
The thing that gets me is that it makes me feel that Government thinks we are I cannot make my own decisions. I know if I smoke it...
What does everyone think about the new smoking ban? I do not smoke and I am even torn about this. I can see how it will be nice to be able to go...
All very good suggestions! I also like to know the reason they are selling and if they bought it new or used and how long they have owned it.
People sell stuff online all the time but it seems that some are able to sell faster than others. Why is that? I thought it would be cool to...
Depending on the dive outfit you will usually will have the captain and the divemaster. On big boats....which I will have more. Those...
That is the way to do it! This way you will not have to go into the cold quarry Iowa waters for your open water check-out dives. Just be...
Let me know if you still have it a month from now. I am in the middle of a move but once we get settled in I will be looking for a 120 again....
Posted By brettstout on 03/31/2008 8:33 PM We are working on making a new, less expensive LED system, but it won't be ready for at least a month....
I would recommend that you use this forum to find out as much as you can about those outfits:
Hey JB. I have bought stuff from and had a good experience but have you looked at Sea to Sea there in CR yet? They are pretty good if...
Posted By Waverz on 03/05/2008 5:08 PM Sweet Bill! Man those are really awesome pics!!! Do you have red bugs?? I noticed some red things on your...
Posted By Travis on 11/14/2007 11:24 PM I have had 3 parakeets, 23 hamsters, 2 rats, gerbil, 6 cockatiels, a freshwater tank, and now all I have...
If you are using a good name brand salt I would stop dosing everything unless you test for it regularly! Another rule of thumb for...
I don't know what to tell you. If you want to rule out your water without testing it you need to look at other things than and hope that it is...
ohhh...and what are you storing your water in and where is it stored? Any possibility of contamination there?
And you say you are using this water in other peoples tanks too without knowing the TDS or not testing it on regular basis? IMO, that is not good...
What type of RO/ DI unit is it? Why are you changing the filters every 3 months? If you haven't ever tested your water how do you know you...
I know the jury is still out on Mangroves....bit I have always had good luck with them as good nutrient exporters. Plus, they are cool!
Separate names with a comma.