I think that is a neat idea. I was never in the hobby long enough to know about the free trade concept but it is a friendly idea. I think it was...
10th or 11 th either is fine with me. The 17th is the MARS Frag Fest in Madison Wisconsin. I am good with a girft exchange also.
I may and try and make it out also.
wish you were closer I am looking for a 20L. Any chance you or someone is heading to Iowa City or Cedar Rapids in the near future?
Just started the refugium yesterday when will the pods magically appear? [img] I have Cheato in the main tank (looking to take over like the...
I am east of Cedar Rapids so sorry a group buy would not work for me. I have loads or Cheato I was going to post on her that I am offering...
I am looking to seed some Amphipod & Copepods into my Refugium would anyone have some I can purchase?
Honestly, I thought of this (via a video camera and a VHS tape) long ago and just never made the time to act upon it. It came just after a friend...
I am interested in the Green Mandarin Goby & Yellow Eye Kole Tang if you are willing to separate.
Ray/Jen if you get in on this let me know then we can group our order and I can meet you in Iowa City for a drop off.
Must....fight...urge....to ...buy...more...tanks. Looks like a great deal.
I am going to clean off the largest area on a rock and one frag plug. I can see a little in the sand bed on the opposite side of the tank. That I...
sorry I don't have an Apex or I would consider it.
tease [img]
As I posted other places I agree with others that this fest appeared to go off with out any issues. Well orchestrated and planned out. not sure...
it did not crop back up somewhere else josh?
I have what I believe is some red Cyano or slime algae on one particular rock and it is growing. I am reading up on removing it, and I hear if you...
How much? you heading toward CR any time soon?
Welcome to Iowa, you picked a good time to come out, in a snow storm. Did you bring any of your critters from SC or are you starting fresh?
I wish I had the opportunity to visit the store when it was available, goes to show you should take advantage of every opportunity you can. Sorry...
Separate names with a comma.