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2009 Trustee Considerations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by glaspie69, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    I know that several people are considering running for a position as trustee. After being on the BOD several times starting from a trustee and working up I've seen alot. Here's a few considerations for people thinking about taking a spot. Please and I really do mean please remember that this is a volunteer position but your participation will need to be flawless, it is very time consuming and sometimes difficult to do these jobs. An event like Fall Fest has taken months and months of planning, with planning takes the time and drive to get things done. What some don't realize is that if a person lacks in participation someone else has to pick up the slack...this can make things very hard for everyone else. So please consider the position and everything that goes with it before running. Thanks Jason
  2. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    I don't think the BOD positions are really that much work as long as everyone performs their role. But I agree with Jason... If you take the role without any real willingness to perform the tasks, or if you get busy with other things and can't perform the tasks but don't bother to tell anyone, then you are doing everyone in the club a disservice.

    In any case, I think the club should be enjoyable for everyone (BOD and regular members) and with the right group of people it will be. Hopefully we will have some great candidates in all of the areas when 2009 elections continue.

    On a slightly related note, we should have some great new tools for local trustees available on the website by the end of the year, so that should help with things some...

  3. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    So when are we voting on Trustees?
  4. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    i would have to say as soon as we get enough volunteers to fill the spots
  5. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    Have we had threads opened for trustee nominations?? Did I miss them??
  6. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Joel, there are no thread currently except for the independent one I started for the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area.
    Here's how things are looking so far for the 2009 BOD.
    1) President -  A call was made for nominations.   Several were nominated, but only Jason G. accepted the nomination so he is 2009 President by default.
    2) Vice President - A call was made for nominations.   Of those nominated, I was the only one who accepted the nomination so I am the 2009 Vice-President by default.
    3) Secretary/Treasurer - We need to figure out if this is one or two positions and then take the appropriate nominations next.   I'm trying to get the BOD moving ahead on this, but (understandably) organizing FallFest is the #1 priority right now so they're not talking about elections much.
    4) Trustees - According to the by-laws, the trustees are appointed by the president.   However, this year Billy chose to take nominations and have elections just like the rest of the BOD positions.   I think that works well so I hope we do the same thing this year, but it's up to Jason.
    The current trustees should probably start threads in the regional areas at least encouraging people to consider being trustee.   You (Joel) may want to take that on for the Des Moines area.
    One more thing I would like to add to this:   Jason and I have talked a bit on this stuff and there seems to be a lot of apathy in the group when it comes to the leadership positions.   This is not a good thing for a group like this and I think we both agree that if a trustee can't be found for an area then no "official" events will be organized in that area until a trustee is found.
  7. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    I actually feel the Des Moines is building a bit. Not huge numbers but we had 6 in our water quality meeting and about 10 overall in our tank tour.
    I will start a thread in the Des Moines area to get an idea if anyone else wants to be trustee. I will self nominate but I don't mind competition or even losing the position.
  8. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    I'm not opposed to voting for trustees this year....as long as those who are running understand the duties they have before them. And I also agree that if an area does not have a trustee (a participating trustee) they will have no events scheduled for there area. We have far to many members to not have involvement in all the areas.
  9. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper


    I think you'd make a great trustee, but I hope that there are multiple people in all of the areas interested in the job. I would like to see us have elections in all of the areas and not just appoint someone by default. I really wish we would have had several canidates for both Pres and VP not because I don't think Jason and I can do it but rather because I think it's a sign of a healthy group.


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