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Acan Emergency

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bela, May 2, 2009.

  1. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    Hey guys,
    Have a bit of a conundrum with my acans. I have had two frags (one with 5 heads and one with 4) in my tank for about 5 weeks. All has been well with them daily, nice polyp extensions and everthing. When I got them they were browned out but have colored up VERY nicely since then. This morning when I left the house everything was fine. I come back about 8 hours later to find the acans almost completely dead. The frag with 5 heads is a skeleton with a little meat left. The frag with 4 heads has about 1/2-3/4 of the meat left on one head, the other 3 are completely bone white. I am fairly sure they are gone, but I will leave them be for a while. Water parameters check out fine and my toadstool leather and GSP are as happy as can be! I have added nothing to the tank within the last 4  weeks (all I added AFTER the acans so far was some snails) Any help or advice on what might have happened is greatly appreciated. Needless to say I am pretty bummed, but I am hoping I can pinpoint the problem.
  2. FishBrain

    FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    Man that sucks! Sounds pretty wierd don't have a clue just hope that crap dosen't happen to my new acans! Sorry man.
  3. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    strontium levels ok? Sometimes corals can let go of their skeleton when lacking strontium.....though rare it would do it that rapidly, to multiple acans. Any other stony corals in the tank?
  4. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    and forgot to ask....water change recently? Ro...tap.....top off...change in salt brand..?
  5. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    I have not checked strontium at all. No other stonies in the tank. I use 0TDS RO/DI water from my home unit to top off. Last water change was maybe 3 days ago. Only use reef crystals for salt.
  6. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    Anyone else with any acan experience know what may have happened? Thanks for all of the responses so far :)
  7. coral_bandit

    coral_bandit Inactive User

    I had that with my Acan, It's still alive luckily and it might be strontium idk, calcium is fine, Would it be Alk related prob?
  8. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Just curious what type of lighting and where in the tank the acans were placed. Also were these wild caught? Some times the corals can get shell shocked if there wild caught or if there placed to high in a tank with halides. Could be so many things its hard to pinpoint.
  9. coral_bandit

    coral_bandit Inactive User

    t-5's and they got moved to higher flow and lighting area to try and help. They were from a tank culture
  10. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    I am using PC lighting and they are on the sand bed. they weren't wild caught, they were fragged by  a user here and I have had them in the tank about 5 weeks. Wouldn't they show signs of "shell shock" from new conditions earlier than 5 weeks? They had been eating small bits of mysis for me about once per week too.
  11. coral_bandit

    coral_bandit Inactive User

    mine just shrunk after a few months, one or two and they used to be big and pretty

  12. FishBrain

    FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    I would think if it were shell shock it would have happened a lot sooner. It sounds more like something ate them. Someone was saying something about pepermint shrimp eating acans on a post a few days ago do you have pepermint shrimp?
  13. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    Are you feeding them and what are you feeding them? I have found that some don't do well unless they are fed.
  14. FishBrain

    FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    I have had mine for about a month and they eat the cyclops and other coral foods I add to the water column and I already have new groth.
  15. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    No peppermint shrimp, or any shrimp at all rather. Just various snails and a bicolor blenny. I was feeding mysis 1-2 times per week and they were doing well eating that. It is mostly shockin due to the speed of the degradation. Literally within 8 hours they were gone /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif
  16. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    IMO they need to be target fed. Some seem to do fine without it but others don't. Lord, mysis should be good but I would not rely on just the water column. I feed Coral Frenzy mixed with Cyclopeze and use a feeding tube. I have only been growing them for about a year but that seems to do fairly well but I would like to see better growth.
  17. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    Do you think that not feeding them could really be the reason for a decline over an 8 hour period? I'll give the cyclopeze a shot though.
  18. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    Yes I do, but in your case it sounds like you have been feeding. My guess is in your case something missing or an abrupt change in something. I had an acan do what you describe once and I have no idea why. Sometimes that just happens.
  19. dewdad

    dewdad Inactive User

    You didn't say what your calcium level is. I had frogspawn do the same thing and found the calcium level very low. Not quite the same coral but I would check anyway.
  20. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    400ppm on the Ca+

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