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Another maxi-jet mod

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wayne1, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    I found this site : MaxiJet Mod

    They promise 2500 gph for a 1200MJ,so i bought and hooked it up last night. I have to say compared to MJ mods or the Sure-flow they are atleast double in my opinion. As much money as i spent on all these mods i could of bought a Tunze, but i like tinkering around with the stuff. [​IMG]
  2. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    I bought a few of Matt's first mod before he was banned on RC and when the Maxijet mod craze was in full effect. Granted it looked better than anything anyone had put together but it was noisy and wasn't all that impressive. I hope these new ones will work out well for you.
  3. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    No noise, it did take awhile to ship though.
  4. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    The thing that really jumps out at me about this mod is that it looks like the mount uses suction cups rather than magnets.

    I've never had very good luck with stuff that uses suction cups, especially with powerheads.

  5. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Good deal on not having any noise. Yeah, I'm glad you got yours. He still owes me 4 of them because he was going to replace the bad ones he gave me. Then something happened in his family and I haven't heard from him in over a year so it's water under the bridge now.
  6. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Posted By jbrunken on 11/15/2007 7:26 PM
    The thing that really jumps out at me about this mod is that it looks like the mount uses suction cups rather than magnets.
    I've never had very good luck with stuff that uses suction cups, especially with powerheads.
    He used suction cups back then, too.  The swivel ball mount is different though.
  7. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Ha!  I actuall found some old pictures of them.  Oh the memories...
    Here's what you got in a kit back then.
    Instead of the suction cup mount, I cut the plate down and superglued it to a cleaning magnet instead.
  8. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Are you talking about the new standard mod that comes in a $20. kit?  I have modded two MJ 1200's using these kits and I love them.  I have glued magnet holders on them and they look pretty sharp too (one mag was an old wooden mag cleaner and the other was a Koralia #4  magnet base that was a goner.)  I bought a Tunze 6045 before I did these mods and I would choose the mod over that Tunze anyday.
  9. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    I think that the modded MJ 1200 are close to the flow you get from the Koralia # 4 but the flow isn't as dispersed as with the Koralia, but much broader than that damn Tunze 6045.
  10. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    I have 3 Mjmods and 2 sure flow , and now 1 gulf stream2 , the gulf stream won hands down and the flow is wider. Not bad for 27.00 with shipping
  11. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    This just goes to show you there are a lot of ways to achieve the same thing. Depending on application, some pumps do work better than others.

    BTW RobynT, what didn't you like about the Tunze 6045?
  12. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    If i could afford a Tunze i would much rather have one, but i'm trying to buy a bigger skimmer first.
  13. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    The Tunze 6045 is small, has a nice magnet mount and "feels" quality made in all respects.  I just don't feel it puts out much flow though.  I was doing fine with two Koralia 4's in my tank, one left one right side .....one  Koralia died.....I replaced it with the Tunze........the Tunze just doesn't cut it to put enough flow on one side of my 90 so I modded another MJ and now have one modded MJ on either side with the Tunze on the bigger side (without the overflow.)  In my opinion, the Tunze 6045 that I have is inferior in flow to both the Koralia and the modded MJ.  I can't speak for any other Tunze, just this one.
    I've heard you can mod the Tunze by cutting part of the inside out but if that fails, then you have a really screwed up worthless, expensive PH.  I had someone mesh mod my Octopus NW 150 skimmer and the mesh came away and broke part of the rotor.  I just got a replacement for it and I'm not touching it or having it modded.  I really think the skimmer performs well enough without the mod.  I have almost 1/2 chamber skimate in less than 24 hours (and that isn't a small chamber.)  I'm a believer in you get what you pay for.  Maybe this Tunze will last for years and the mods won't.  My two Koralia's sure didn't but I'm hopeful that it was the first ones made and not all of them.  I really didn't care for the way the cage fastened, but in all other ways it's a great little PH.
  14. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Posted By Wayne1 on 11/15/2007 8:47 PM
    I have 3 Mjmods and 2 sure flow , and now 1 gulf stream2 , the gulf stream won hands down and the flow is wider. Not bad for 27.00 with shippingWhat is this gulf stream??  I just ran a search and came up with airplane stuff.
  15. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Posted By RobynT on 11/15/2007 9:38 PM
    I've heard you can mod the Tunze by cutting part of the inside out but if that fails, then you have a really screwed up worthless, expensive PH. 
    The part that you have to cut to do the Tunze mod can be replace for only $12 bucks, so the mod really isn't that dangerous to do.
  16. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Good to know JB   
  17. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Posted By RobynT on 11/15/2007 9:43 PM

    Posted By Wayne1 on 11/15/2007 8:47 PM
    I have 3 Mjmods and 2 sure flow , and now 1 gulf stream2 , the gulf stream won hands down and the flow is wider. Not bad for 27.00 with shippingWhat is this gulf stream??  I just ran a search and came up with airplane stuff.
    The Gulf Stream II link was posted at the top by Wayne.  http://tritonaquatics.com/index_files/TheGulfStream.htm
    Also JB is dead on about the Tunze mod.  The only piece you mod is the vent cover and it is replaceable.  I think you'll be much happier with your 6045 after the mod.
  18. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Why don't they just make them that way then?  I may have to bring that Tunze with me to a meeting or something so somebody can tell me just what to do.  I do have a dremel tool to use.
  19. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Higher margin. If they can sell an item that is nearly identical for $30 more, they're going to do it.

    The mod only takes about 5 minutes. You can bring it to a meeting or I can show you before and after pictures if you want to try to do it.

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