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any lanlords out there?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cowdust9, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. cowdust9

    cowdust9 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    i just got a 30 day notice to terminate leasing agreement and they will not tell me why? Can they do that?
  2. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I used to do rental homes. If I was the landlord and had suspision it can be done. I would visually inspect the property to find out why. So if you have done something wrong than yes they can give you 30days. If you have not done nothing wrong and they wont tell you why, then you would have a suit. But your talking court and all kinds of stuff. By then you would havet to be out. That would be my guess. When ever I evicted somebody they never challenged me.
  3. cowdust9

    cowdust9 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    so if i felt like i did nothing wrong is there a way i can find out if they think there was a wrong doing with out court? i think the manager is kinda shady cause when i asked for the landlords phone number she said she forgot it and would call me later with it but never did
  4. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Was it verbal or written for the eviction?
  5. cowdust9

    cowdust9 Well-Known ReefKeeper

  6. nuccatree


    why do you want to rent from someone that is shady anyways? even in court, it will turn out bad. Sorry to say it, but find a new place. talk with someone about actually purchasing a place, or even a house that might have been on the market for some time and have a land-contract wrtten up (I know LC are sometimes rediculious) but in the slower times, peopple still need to sell homes. Just a thought
  7. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    Is it an apartment complex or a home? The landlord could be selling the place... I don't know, never been in that situation before. I would look for someplace else to live too...but I would make a major case about it if they didn't give me back all of my deposit.

  8. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    If you have a contract saying that you are renting (and that contract isn;t simply up within the 30 days you speak of), I do not think they have a right to evict you unless you have violated the contract or any applicable laws. In other words, just because the owner wants to sell, if you are in a written contract (I guess it is possible the contract has a clause that you agree to move out if the place goes on sale) they cannot evict you just for that reason.

    - The tenant has failed to pay rent after being given a proper 3-day notice to pay rent or quit.
    - The tenant has continued to violate a rule included in the lease, such as having a pet despite a no pet policy, and the landlord has given the tenant proper notice through the 7-day notice of material noncompliance with the rental agreement.
    - The tenant has violated a requirement of Iowa Code and has failed to fix the violation within the 7 days required after a landlord has given a 7-day notice of material noncompliance with Iowa Code.
    - The tenant has caused or allowed visitors to cause a violation of Iowa Code 562A.27A and the landlord has taken the proper steps to notify the tenant of the problem.

    I got this information from here: http://www.rentiowa.com/propertymngr.cfm?CID=15

    But I guess the question is, is it worth your time fighting it or is your time better spent looking for a new place. There are probably a ton of places up for rent right now. I know when I moved here from California a year ago my criteria were that they would allow pets and have garages as I didn't want my truck collecting snow over the winter and I didn't honestly have much trouble just browsing around the internet. It can be frustration, but in your shoes I would just look for another place and forget this person, especially if you get a "shady" vibe from him or her.
  9. Bela

    Bela Inactive User


    Here is another good site, although it is not specific to the state of Iowa. This latter link speaks of conditions where the landlord needs give no reason for why they want you out, however it lists extreme cases, such as marijuana being grown in the back room LOL[script removed]
  10. cowdust9

    cowdust9 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    yeah i found a few places that im looking at on monday and im really not sure what i did its crazy and the manager is still being very shady about it i have left them to messages and went to there appartment and they would not open the door but i know they were there cause before i knocked i heard them talking lol its really crazy
  11. snowman82

    snowman82 Experienced Reefkeeper

    what apartments were you in and where located? my brother rented at a shady place north on MLK and yeah it scared me to go there. and his landlord was real shady and just didn't care about anything or take care of anything. I had one landlord of mine not show up for inspection of my place after i moved to get my deposit back cause he got his *** handed to him the night before and he called and left me threatening messages saying he was going to find me and kick my *** and do **** to me if i didn't pay my last month rent. he agreed that my deposit would be my last months rent but yet couldn't show to inspect it...that guy was awesome. . number 1 in my top ten people to respect :) haha
  12. dewdad

    dewdad Inactive User

    Just don't move out and pay your rent like you would any other month. If they refuse to take it or return it and you want to find out why they want to move, just don't move and they will have to go thru the legal court system to get you out. They will have to pay $85 court cost to file,you will be given a court date and you will have to go in front of a medator of judge if you want to,this the time you will find out why the want you out. If the findsin your favor he wont put you out, If he finds in there favor he will put you out. This would then show on your record as an eviction on a background check. If you still don't move out yhey will have to file for what is called a rit. This is where the sherif will come out and they(the managment) will put your stuff out on the curb with the sherif watching. Any way you look at it if they want you out sooner or later they will get you out so I would move  as soon as I could anyway. Just to be safe tho you can contact a place called  Home Inc. 1111 ninth street, suite 210, DSM, Ia 50314  Ph. 515-243-1277. They deal with landlord / tenent issues and try to keep landloards honest. They would really be your best bet for your questions. Hope this helps and good luck.
  13. cowdust9

    cowdust9 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    thank you i will try to contact them!

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