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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Guest, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This Friday and Saturday (Oct. 3rd & 4th) I will be in Chicago at a Pet Trade Convention.  Sorry, the trade show is for store owners only.  The convention will include all pets and pet hobbies.  There will be manufactures and wholesalers from around the world.  Why am I telling you this?  Most of the time at these shows I can receive show discounts that I wish to pass along to my customers.  If you are getting ready to make a purchase of some kind (sumps, skimmers, tanks,  whatever it may be, (I am shopping for a new grooming table for my pet groomer) I am more then willing to try and get a better deal for you.  I have no idea what kind of pricing I can get you until the trade show begins.  If there is a large interest in different items I will discuss a format for communication later.   If you want more info regarding the trade show you can go to:  http://www.hhbacker.com/hhbacker/index.asp and look for 2008 Christmas Show.
    Gary @ Bo Bo's Fish Store
    2801 Mt Vernon Rd
    Cedar Rapids, IA
  2. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    I may be interested in a couple Vortech power heads & ac3 controller
  3. candlesbytammy1

    candlesbytammy1 Inactive User

    Are you going to be open that weekend? I was planning on stopping by and seeing what you have?
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Posted By xroads on 09/28/2008 04:25 PM
    I may be interested in a couple Vortech power heads & ac3 controller
    Is there any model numbers that I should look for?  If I locate something for you on Friday or Saturday will you be available for contact and what phone number can I reach you at?
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Posted By candlesbytammy1 on 09/29/2008 05:18 PM
    Are you going to be open that weekend? I was planning on stopping by and seeing what you have? I will be here in the store on Sunday and a girs member (tony) will open the store for me on Saturday.
  6. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    MP40W on the power heads

    AC3 controller

  7. nick

    nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    i dont think neptune will be there most of what is there will be items that are normally found in retail stores. and with the economy this year they have have said the show will be a lilttle smaller then normal but if he is looking for the ac3, Gary you need to look for Neptune booth
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Posted By BoBosfishstore on 09/28/2008 12:52 PM
    This Friday and Saturday (Oct. 3rd & 4th) I will be in Chicago at a Pet Trade Convention.  Sorry, the trade show is for store owners only.  The convention will include all pets and pet hobbies.  There will be manufactures and wholesalers from around the world.  Why am I telling you this?  Most of the time at these shows I can receive show discounts that I wish to pass along to my customers.  If you are getting ready to make a purchase of some kind (sumps, skimmers, tanks,  whatever it may be, (I am shopping for a new grooming table for my pet groomer) I am more then willing to try and get a better deal for you.  I have no idea what kind of pricing I can get you until the trade show begins.  If there is a large interest in different items I will discuss a format for communication later.   If you want more info regarding the trade show you can go to:  http://www.hhbacker.com/hhbacker/index.asp and look for 2008 Christmas Show.
    Gary @ Bo Bo's Fish Store
    2801 Mt Vernon Rd
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Hi again,
    I'm on my way to the Chicago show, there is still time to get a great deal.  You may call me on me cell if you wish.
    Gary @ Bo Bo's

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