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Feb 23

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by Steph & Nick, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    We will be having a tank drilling meeting on saturday february 23rd for anyone that wants to come in cedar rapids.  Post here if you want to contribute to the meeting: a tank, the tools, and know how are all needed.   Let's have another great meeting!
  2. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    I have a 29 bowfront that I wouldn't mind having drilled in a couple of spots.

  3. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    I have a dremel, and the "know how". If it's needed I'd be glad to help
  4. Benji

    Benji Inactive User

    i am not a girs member but, have a few tanks to donate to the cause.
  5. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    We will gladly accept tanks to drill! If you will be coming to the meeting you can bring them with you, or pm me and we can figure out another way of getting them. Jason we would be delighted to have you join the meeting, an expert on the issue will be a major plus.

    I realize I forgot to put a time on the original post, 1:00 we will start, but feel free to show up whenever you can.

    I also did not have a location because I am not 100% sure on that. We could have it at our house in Robins, but it isn't the best for large groups. If anyone has a suggestion for where we could meet, please share.

  6. hopper75


    I have a 60g hex I've been dying to drill but had no idea of hw to go about it, I will bring it if there is still room.  If we did this in warmer weather I would give up my garage for the demo, but it's not heated so this time of year would not work. If someone in the area has a heated garage that we could use that would be sweet! I also have a dremel I can bring and I will also spring for the bits if someone can tell me what to buy. Sounds like an awesome time, now I just need to get the day off of work![​IMG]
  7. calebjk

    calebjk Well-Known ReefKeeper

    i got the bit to use for a 1" bulkhead and by that time i will have drilled at least 8 tanks with it. i can bring a bit and myself and i can share my experience.
  8. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    ^could you? I've never drilled or seen a tank drilled with one of these and always wanted to.
  9. Anna

    Anna Inactive User

    Do you guys need any more donor tanks to practice on? I have a 10 gallon (already has one hole drilled) and a 20 gallon that are both "extras" and I question their ability to hold water. I'd love to donate them for people to practice on if they are wanted. I'd be happy for them to turn into the aquarium equivalent of swiss cheese if it would help out! /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
  10. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    That sounds like a lot of fun, thanks for the offer anna. hope to see your tanks and you feb 23
  11. Anna

    Anna Inactive User

    What time will the meeting be? Unfortunately I work on Saturdays, but I'll try to get off work early if I need to!
  12. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    we are planning on starting on 1:00 on the 23rd, hope you are able to join us whenever you get off!
  13. red


    i'm getting a 55g for $30 id like to have drilled if there is still room.
  14. got2lb

    got2lb Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Posted By red_wetjen on 01/22/2008 8:26 PM
    i'm getting a 55g for $30 id like to have drilled if there is still room.
    Just to warn you on that one!  Almost all of the 55 gal. are tempered and there really isn't a good way to tell if it isn't.  I wouldn't try drilling that one!
  15. calebjk

    calebjk Well-Known ReefKeeper

    it would be a good idea for anyone bringing a tank to get drilled to check with the manufacturer first and make sure it isn't tempered. Also i highly recommend bringing ear protection, eye protection couldn't hurt either.
  16. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    We will be meeting at 1:00 to discuss and practice drilling tanks. For directions mapquest 40 Front Street Robins or pm me.  Jason (glaspie) and Caleb (calebjk) will be talking about two different ways to drill a tank.

    We will be drilling JB's 29 bow, hoppers 60 hex, and benji and anna are providing old tanks to practice drilling on. If you are getting a hole drilled with a dremmel you need to buy and bring a grout removal bit for the dremmel. If you are wanting a tank drilled, contact me ASAP.

    After we are finished drilling tanks, we could go to Buffalo Wild Wings if people are interested. Looking forward to a fun meeting! Don't forget eye and ear protection, safety first!
  17. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    one week and counting, are we excited?
  18. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    I am, you know, we sure seemed to have a lot of momentum in the CR/IC area going into the new year, but everyone sure got quiet.

    I hope we have a decent turnout for this event.

  19. hopper75


    I'm still in. What size of hole saw is caleb bringing? seanndenise1 is letting me borrow his bit to make a hole for a bulkhead that fit 3/4" pipe, I was hoping we had a bit for 1" also.
  20. Steph & Nick

    Steph & Nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    i got the bit to use for a 1" bulkhead and by that time i will have drilled at least 8 tanks with it. i can bring a bit and myself and i can share my experience.

    looks like this should work for the 1" you were wanting...see you saturday

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