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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by danmgray, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    In January 2015, I was lucky enough to get in on the Fishbit Kickstarter launch of the first ~30-35 beta units. It was very interesting be able to talk one-on-one with the Fishbit team and to give input and get regular updates as the product was being developed. I've been using my Fishbit since September and I have wanted to do a short write up and share some pictures, but I just haven't gotten around to it. There was write up on reefs.com about a month ago and it mirror's many of my first impressions: An evening with the Fishbit monitor. - Reefs.com

    Fishbit will be launching a new Kickstarter campaign this week, so if figured now would be a great time to share. www.facebook.com/getfishbit

    I received my Fishbit controller on 09/12/15.

    Unfortunately, I didn't have a Apple device so I couldn't use it right away. Fishbit took care of me and immediately sent me a personalized iPod touch! My kids love the iPod too :cool: Once I had the iPod, I set up the controller and it was a breeze! It took only a few minutes and was really easy.
    FishBit_Ipod (3).jpg

    I received the Fishbit monitor on 12/01/16.
    FishBitPkg2 (3).jpg

    I installed it on my 50 gallon tank, and it took less than 10 minutes--the probes were calibrated right out of the box. I also have a Digital Aquatics Archon on this tank.
    FishBit_Monitor Installation (4).jpg

    The Fishbit monitor takes pH, salinity, and temperature readings regularly. The readings have been surprisingly stable and accurate when I spot check using manual tests. The Fishbit is the easiest and most reliable controller I've ever used*, but since the beta version doesn't monitor water level, I still use the Archon for my ATO and to turn the skimmer off when the water level in my sump is high. I can't wait to use the first production version since it will have water level built in along with a number of other new features.

    *My controller experience is primarily with Digital Aquatics RKL, RKE & Archon. I have never used an Apex so I can't make any comparisons there.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  2. Roman

    Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    how much are they going to retail for?
  3. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Great name!! I wonder if the FitBit company threw a "fit" over that one though :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
  4. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I'm not sure how much they will retail for, but I pledged at the $349 level for the beta. That was a bargain when I considered the cost of any controller with a salinity probe alone. Between the salinity probe, inductive power concept, the positive press coverage, and the opportunity to try something new, I was sold. The pledge included some other swag (which I wasn't expecting) and also the retail version when available. I never imagined the iPod part. Each time I talked with Nathan at Fishbit by phone or e-mail, I felt like I was the most important customer. I know I wasn't, but the feeling is priceless.
  5. blackx-runner

    blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Pretty neat.
    I'd say for the basic controller with ease of use it looks like they have something really good happening there. Keep us updated on how its working out, and how things are coming along with a production release.
  6. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Thomas Brown video with an inside look at the people behind Fishbit:

  7. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

  8. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

  9. Derek


    Can you use the Fishbit Monitor+ without the Fishbit Device Controller? I was looking for a standalone unit to measure my tank parameters but I didn't need it to control dosing pumps and ATO and lights etc. It looks like a very handy device that could compete with the Neptune Apex in the market if they don't cut corners in manufacturing their product.
  10. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Yes, they are independent. One can be used without the other.
  11. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Fishbit has almost reached 50% of their Kickstarter goal in the first week. I hope they can keep up the momentum. They set up a word of mouth reward system, so if you want to make a pledge and you want to give me credit, then use this link to make your pledge:
    Fishbit: Your Aquarium Made Simple
    I would be happy to donate the rewards back to the club as cash. I bet if we could get 8 or more pledges through the link, we could get a Fishbit controller or monitor for the Fall Fest raffle.

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