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Green Hair Algae

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JByrd, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. JByrd


    What is the best invert. or fish to combat green hair algea.  I already have about 75 blue leg crabs.  Only acouple of snails right now.  My 3 tangs only nibble once in a great while on it. I got 75-100 snails on the way now, will be here on tuesday.  The green hair algea is not out of control right now.  Only a few rock with some on them.  I do weekly water changes.  I have no readable phosphates with me test kit.  Calcium is at 460.  Ph is 8.2-8.4 Salinity is 1.023.  Less than 5 nitrates almost undected with test kit and 0 nitrites.  All help would be appreaciated.  Thanks.
  2. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    Not sure about fish, i would say more cheato, mangroves, or phosban reactor
  3. covey


    What kind of Tangs do you have?

    I found it to be Tangs, Rabbitfish, urchins, then snails. Turbo snails do some good but astreas don't do jacl for hair algae.

    Two more questions. Can you post of a picture of the algae or at least describe it? (green, brown, red, slimly or crunchy feeling)

    Its good to know your enemy.
  4. nick

    nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    the best i have found is queen conch snails, they eat it pretty good and they dont die no were near as bad as turbo, also a sea hare rabbit but they die kind of easy cause they almost require algae hair and most tanks cant keep them for long periods, have you checked phosphates sometimes that is the cause
  5. covey


    I battled hair algae for like over a year back in my old 75G.
    Does it look anything like this crap
    Well for the long answer.  I wrote this article for 3reef.
  6. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    my tank looked like a giant chia pet 3 weeks ago.

    to get rid of it i did this.

    made sure i was getting a zero reading on new water, with the addition of a refillable di cartridge.

    a two little fishies phosban reactor.

    gfo from two part solutions.

    a clean up crew consisting of 100 turbos 100 blue leg hermits.

    to tell you the truth, the green hair algae was on its way out before i got the clean up crew, you could tell it was dying , it turned brown and wasnt growing at all.

    get a phosban reactor, 30 bucks, and a refillable di cartridge if you dont have one.

    also, fish do not have to eat every day.
  7. covey


    Posted By seanndenise1 on 12/08/2007 8:41 PM

    also, fish do not have to eat every day.

    Fix the system........feed the fish a ton.
    Fish feed nearly constantily in nature.  It's not right to punish them because we can't keep a tank.
    That said if you have an edible hair algae the tangs need to be doing there work.
  8. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

    I put a sea hair in my tank in May. I had a good bit of hair algae. It mowed it down like a heard of sheep. It was just amazing.
  9. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    Posted By covey on 12/08/2007 9:07 PM

    Posted By seanndenise1 on 12/08/2007 8:41 PM
    also, fish do not have to eat every day.
    Fix the system........feed the fish a ton.
    Fish feed nearly constantily in nature.  It's not right to punish them because we can't keep a tank.
    That said if you have an edible hair algae the tangs need to be doing there work.
    fish do look for food constantly in nature, but they are never full of food, its feast or famine.
    fish go for weeks without eating, there is never a constant supply of food in the wild. fish feed in intervals as new food supplys become available.
    there is never any one food available throughout the year.
    one type of food is exausted and another becomes available.
    take the pirahna for instance, they go several months with nothing to eat besides their own kind, thats why they are known as bloiodthirsty, they are starving.
    thats how you breed a pirahna, you starve them and trick their system into thinking they are going thru the dry season then bamb you give massive water changes and feed the heck out of them.
     then thru their genetic makeup they have no choice but to spawn., they think it is the rainy season, they spawn when food is available so their offspring can prosper.
    even the fish in our own rivers eat as food becomes available, trout eat when different types of critters hatch and die landing on the waters surface or are born or hatch under water, there is nothing for them to eat in the winter, absolutely nothing.
    fish in the ocean eat as different organisms become available it could be weeks if conditions are not right, and it happens frequently, global warming is really changing things.
    overfeeding is bad for fish,it shortens their life cycle and creates bad water conditions and a breeding ground for parasites.
     whales cross oceans with nothing to eat for 3 months to get to an area where they know another animal is going to congregate or hatch using up their fat supply and then they give birth knowing they will build up fat reserves so the offspring will be able to nurse to make the next journey without food.
    all animals have to search for food, in some zoos they purposely hide food from animals to try and make them have a reason to live, they become poor specimens because a vital part of their life is missing, no animal has food handed to them on a  silver platter.
    i wont even go into mass migrations and the effects, look what happens in africa, its no different in the oceans.
    the only purpose to feeding fish 3 times a day as directed on the package serves is making aquariusts happy watching their fish eat and making sure you are buying their product at regular intervals, gotta keep the money coming in.
    i can give you a million reasons and for instances why every animal on earth does not eat every day and does not need to, you cant give me one why they do, other than you can provide it for them.
    not rying to be a butthead, but ive had this conversation a million times and thru successfull fish breeding ive learned about their feeding habits and tried to mimick what they do in nature.
    theres tons of info on the net about what the seasons provide for fish and their diets and the main thing i learned about their life cycle is that at some point during the year they nearly die from starvation its called thinning the heard, evolution.
    i should add just to be truthfull or fair that there are certain types of fish such as grazers that do and can eat daily in the wild, and there are fish that eat plankton or suspended food that eat frequently, but still it is dependant on the seasons.
    not being a butthead, just trying to be clear.
  10. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    Sea hare i heard works well, i bought a phosphate reactor two weeks ago, it is kicking butt, now if i can just get rid of my bubble algae.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Last year I had a terrible outbreak, the local group ordered a bunch of astrea's, emerald crabs, etc.  I got 20 astrea's and they mowed it down in a couple of days.
  12. KDaullary

    KDaullary Inactive User

    Posted By seanndenise1 on 12/08/2007 8:41 PM
    my tank looked like a giant chia pet 3 weeks ago.

    to get rid of it i did this.

    made sure i was getting a zero reading on new water, with the addition of a refillable di cartridge.

    a two little fishies phosban reactor.

    gfo from two part solutions.

    a clean up crew consisting of 100 turbos 100 blue leg hermits.

    to tell you the truth, the green hair algae was on its way out before i got the clean up crew, you could tell it was dying , it turned brown and wasnt growing at all.

    get a phosban reactor, 30 bucks, and a refillable di cartridge if you dont have one.

    also, fish do not have to eat every day.
    A couple questions. First what is gfo from two part solutions, what is a refillable di cartridge.  and lastlty I just had my phosphates tested, and they were very low i think the lfs said .25 I dont see how getting a phosban reactor or adding phosban to a draw string bag and using it would help. any thoughts would be helpfull. I recently did a 25% water change removed my 50 pounds of live rock scrubbed everything including my rock, added new treated water added a new mega flow sump filter and added a 9 whatt uv sterilizer. the tank has been pretty clean for about 2 weeks but the green hair is starting up again on the live rock. my pump is a aqua rio 2100 650 gph at zero head. I was wondering why I cant get rid of this damn algae. Am I underpumped? should I use some phosban in a drawstring mesh bag? I have about 15 red leg hermits and only 3 turbo's. the tank is a 90 gallon, about 2 months old. Should I invest in more hermits and snails? My local fish store is ordering some queen conch I herd these work well. I just feel like im doing something wrong because im pretty sure my algae is on a come back./site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif
  13. covey


    Posted By KDaullary on 12/11/2007 5:21 PM
    A couple questions. First what is gfo from two part solutions, what is a refillable di cartridge.  and lastlty I just had my phosphates tested, and they were very low i think the lfs said .25 I dont see how getting a phosban reactor or adding phosban to a draw string bag and using it would help. any thoughts would be helpfull. I recently did a 25% water change removed my 50 pounds of live rock scrubbed everything including my rock, added new treated water added a new mega flow sump filter and added a 9 whatt uv sterilizer. the tank has been pretty clean for about 2 weeks but the green hair is starting up again on the live rock. my pump is a aqua rio 2100 650 gph at zero head. I was wondering why I cant get rid of this damn algae. Am I underpumped? should I use some phosban in a drawstring mesh bag? I have about 15 red leg hermits and only 3 turbo's. the tank is a 90 gallon, about 2 months old. Should I invest in more hermits and snails? My local fish store is ordering some queen conch I herd these work well. I just feel like im doing something wrong because im pretty sure my algae is on a come back./site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif
    First off Welcome to the GIRS forum!
    GFO is granular ferric oxide it is the generic name for phosphate remover.
    A refillable DI is the add on final stage for an RO filters it takes out the last remaining impurities left by the other stage of the filter.
    I would be happy to help you with your tank but why don't you start a new thread for your tank so we don't overrun this thread.
  14. ZLTFUL

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Posted By Wayne1 on 12/09/2007 1:21 PM
    Sea hare i heard works well, i bought a phosphate reactor two weeks ago, it is kicking butt, now if i can just get rid of my bubble algae.
    I hear Kenya tree works great for that...[​IMG][​IMG]

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