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hows it work

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by seanndenise1, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    so how do i post a pic on here?do i need to put them on another site then link to it?
  2. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    IMG]http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb81/seanndenise/jsjust thought id throw this in there.
    eddie vanhalen and david lee roth back together after 23 years.[​IMG]640_3.jpg[/IMG
    red pidgeon breeder pair
    rock that i made out of arrgonite sand and oyster shell[​IMG]]
  3. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Hey, did you go to that Van Halen concert? If so how was it?
  4. IowaDiver

    IowaDiver Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Great looking discus. Good job on the rocks too. I like the arch structures. How long did you cure the rocks?
  5. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    Posted By jbrunken on 11/09/2007 7:39 AM
    Hey, did you go to that Van Halen concert? If so how was it?
    yes me and my girlfreind are huge classic vanhalen fans.
    we went up to chicago and seen them at the rosemont horizon on 10/16 then recovered for a day and then seen em again at the united center on the 18th.
    ive seen vanhalen on every tour with david lee roth   i seen em in 78 or 79 at the credit island jam on the first tour and i thought that was as good as it gets, they really went downhill over the years,as far as being a good sounding live show.
    when i seen them this time i was expecting david lee roth to not be able to sing the songs anymore, but man i hafta tell you that he has still got it.
    he can still scream like he used to but he just does it only a few times throughout the night, hes 52 now.
    he sounded like a million bucks, i was very suprised.
    eddie vanhalen, what can you say, hes had his moments in the past with substance abuse but he seems really cleaned up, he shredded all night long, sounded like the eddie of old.
    dave and eddie vanhalen truly look like they are having fun together, i was 20 feet from the stage and you could tell they were not faking it. they were enjoying every second of it.
    they have eds son wolfgang playing bass now, hes hitting the notes, kinda plays bass like his dad plays guitar, he does the hammer ons and all that good stuff, he really lacks in stage presence though.
    alex vanhalen didnt miss a beat, sounded great.
    above everything i have to say good about the concerts, i was most impressed with the crowds, ive been to alot of concerts at least 100, and when the lights went down in those places it was a roar that ive never heard. theres alot of classic vanhalen fans out there, and they were all waiting 23 years to see that again.
    it was a great experience.
    heres a couple video links of some concerts, the sound and video dont do them justice.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2021
  6. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    Posted By tibbs2 on 11/09/2007 11:42 AM
    Great looking discus. Good job on the rocks too. I like the arch structures. How long did you cure the rocks?
    thanks for the compliment.
    those discus were breeding machines, i seperated them one time by a piece of glass and the female still laid eggs on the glass divider and the male tried to fertilize them from the other side of the glass.
    i got probably 3000 fry from them.
    if you ever want to learn how to breed discus, i know the secret.
    that arch structure with the 2 holes in it believe it or not is the only piece that i made that i dont like.
    if you want it it is yours. it probably weighs 10 pounds, easily a foot long.
    i cured those rocks in a kids pool in my back yard from april i think till the end of august when i moved over here to iowa.
    that stuff is really easy to make, by the time i was done making it, i figured out what shapes i liked and didnt like, go figure.
    really cheap to make, i made maybe 200 pounds for 60.00.
    the most expensive ingredient is the arrgonite sand.
    i like it though it looks cool, i cant wait to get some corraline goin on it.
  7. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    Sean, this discus are sweeeeeet man. I've kept a lot of fish from cichlids to stingrays but never discus. I've always wanted to have a planted tank with them but never really had the time or $$$....maybe someday.

  8. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    100 percent water changes every day, absolutely no water from tank to tank. they can be a hassle.
    WTF MAN!!!
    Are you serious???  Even on large tanks?  That sounds a little extreme.....i thought rays were tough, jeez.
  9. BigBlue

    BigBlue Inactive User

    Are those Pigeon Bloods? I always wanted to keep discs but I didn't want to do all those water changes. I also like the Blue Dimonds and the Marlboro Reds.
    Do you have and other discs?
  10. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    those discus in that pic are red pidgeons, the male is about 8.5 inches in length and nearly 8 inches from pec to dorsal.
    the female was just guessing 6.5
    just to get an idea how big they really are, that is a 125 gal tank they are in and that pvc breeding tube is 18 inches tall.
    to be successful with discus you must do daily water changes if you expect growth, they dont tolerate dirty water or nitrate.
    i can take any female and male discus that is sexually mature and fertile and force them to mate just with daily water changes, temp changes and lighting.
    they basically have no choice in the matter.
    you can take adult discus and put them in a planted tank and they will be fine.
    but if you take juvenile discus and and put them in a planted tank and expect a good looking discus, its not going to happen, they will be stunted.
    those fish came from discus hans, hes a breeder/ importer of stendker discus.
    hes only selling wholesale now but he will make an exception for a few people.
    he will send fish exactly like those up there for 120 per fish and will almost guarantee you a true breeding pair.
    he has snakeskins,pidgeons, red alanquers,blues,,turqs.
    you think reefing is addictive? i have at least 20- 29 gallon tanks in my garage and basement, they are all empty now.
    at one time i had 5000 baby discus, i was selling them for a buck, i sold whole spawns for 50 bucks, thats 300 1 inch fish, it was either that or feed em to the oscars.
  11. BigBlue

    BigBlue Inactive User

    Man water changes everyday that would get old fast. It wouldn't be so bad if you could figure out a way to have the tank do the water changes it self./site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif
  12. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    oh heck yeah, definately, you have your new water upstairs and you drain in the floor everything is by gravity except for you water out of the faucet.
    they are fun fish, but im done with them, i think.[​IMG]
  13. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Those discus are amazing!!!! I have always wanted to take a crack at them and angel breeding. I have done the clownfish breeding thing, so I know what you mean when it comes to 30+ tanks in one house...

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