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I need some advice!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by B-Rad, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    OK, I've got a 120g in wall that I'm slowly getting set up as I get the funds. I have got some questions that I'm sure you guys & gals can help me with.
       First: What is everyones opinion on tank lids? I purchased the glass lid with the tank to help keep the evaporation process to a minimum, but am not 100% sure if I'll use it.
       Second: I'm running a 20g long for my main sump that will hold my filter socks and a 5" deep sand bed, also the return for my skimmer. Will I need to run a light over the sand bed? 
    My original plan is to run BB in the main tank so I thought the sand bed in the sump would be a wise choice, My stand is open to my tank room so it does get some light in there.
       Third: I'm going to build my live rock work structures so that it is appealing and to a minimum in the main tank, with that I will be adding a 20g stock tank for nothing but live rock?
     I plan to cover it with Plexiglas. Do I need a light for it to, or is the natural room light enough?
     Here are some pics of my room and the things that I Have mentioned earlier. 
    The front view.
    The tank room & ruff layout.
    The sump (sand bed will be in the center).
    Mixing tank, return pump, and stock tank for live rock.
    I'm still in the planing stages, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  2. phishcrazee

    phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    Looking good! I think most coral reef tanks are lidless........ a lid just cuts down too much on your light. I guess if you were going to run a FOWLR, one might be ok, but then I'd worry about proper gas exchange.
  3. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    Couple things, if your going reef, you are gonna wanna ditch the lids for sure, one reason like phishcrazee said is gas exchange, another would be heat buildup, another would be you would need to constantly clean them otherwise you would loose alot of light.

    That sump is pretty small for 120 gallon, if were me, i would try and go bigger.

    I'm a little confused on the stock tank, is that gonna get plumbed in to the main system? Or, are you using it it just to cure your rock, if its just for curing your rock, it wont need light or a lid.
    Thats a pretty sweet fish room you got there!
  4. Lee

    Lee Experienced Reefkeeper

    Sounds to me like he is compensating for the lack of LR in the tank by adding it to the stock tank. I don't know if this is the correct answer, but you wouldn't have to have light over it unless you were trying to grow coraline algae on it. I don't know how necessary it would be to have the extra LR as long as you have a decent skimmer which it appears you do. It certainly won't hurt, but I just don't know if the benefits will out weigh the cost...if it were me, I would make it a refugium or a grow out tank.
  5. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Thanks for the comps. Its slow going but its getting there.
      Lee you're right about the stock tank, it will be tied into the main system for live rock only.
    I plan to only have about 40 to 50lbs of L/R in the main tank with a BB, (not much room for good bacteria to grow) and since the main sump is so small, it will give me the extra volume in case
    of a power outage. 

     Will the good bacteria grow ok, on the sand and on the live rock with just room light?
    My main concern with going lidless is the humidity.
    Do you guys have problems with moisture control?
  6. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    Wow you have a very nice looking set up, very neat & precise.

    I agree with the others opinions on the lids.

    You dont need light at all unless you are going to have algae for nutrition export. The rock & sand will hold tons of pods & bacteria with no light at all.
    It would be a good idea to add a 20 or 30 as a refuge, fill it full of algae & light it.

    It looks like a pretty good sized room so I assume there should be a heat vent or two. You shouldnt have much of a humidity issue with a 120.
  7. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    The only thing I can think of being a worry about humidity is that you have your computer not six feet away from everything. I wonder what long term exposure to that kind of air would be.

    How's the wavemaker idea going?
  8. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Your setup looks awesome. Only suggestion I have is that you at least get some SPAR varnish on those cabinets. Saltwater can really tear up unprotected wood.
  9. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Oh and speaking of the cabinets are you going to plumb a faucet in there or just a drain? I really like that work station.
  10. einsteins

    einsteins Experienced Reefkeeper

    I wouldnt do any lids for the reason stated above...as for moisture/humidity...I see a window in the room if that goes to the outside I would put in an exhaust fan to vent humid air outside.
    I would put a light over the sand bed if you are thinking of it as a refugium...if not then I would not put a light over it. THe light can be a simple setup from lowes or Home Depot.

    Hope that helps.....Good luck
  11. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Again thanks for the compliments, I cant wait to get it up and running so I can be part of a tank tour some day!!!

    It looks like the lids are out!

    Xroads, there is a heat vent in the ceiling so like you said maybe the humidity wont be a problem. (I do have a dehumidifier if it becomes a problem I guess).

    Andrew, You know me, I build a new PC every other year anyway.lol As far as the wave maker goes I'm looking into a different approach same idea!!
    Travis, thanks for the info on the SPAR varnish, I'll look in to that and yes there will be a faucet in the sink. I modded the counter top to make it easy to get to the stock tank, return pump, and the mix tank.
    I plan to set up a 20long on the counter up above the stock tank for frags.
    Einstines, the more I think about it the more I should use the sump as a small refugium. 
    Thanks for the info every one, If any one has any thing more keep your thoughts coming!!  
  12. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Awesome fish room! Ditto on no glass lids. Huge pain! I typically have used eggcrate to keep jumpers at bay but aren't using them currently as my canopy surround is pretty tall in itself.

    Very nice fish room! Most of us that don't have one would trade their right arm for that setup. All of my equipment lives in my dungeon under my tank which makes life easier. Just remember that no matter how much you plan, etc., you WILL end up with water where you don't want it from time to time.

    I know very little about plumbing really but I know a lot more than I did before we set up my bigger tank. One thing I would suggest is thinking it through to the point of any automation that you can add to your system as well as safeguards in possible failures. You have a pretty blank slate there and plenty of room. How will you do water changes and how can you make that part easier? The easier you can make it, the better off you will be in the long run. My system as it's set up now only requires turning one knob for draining and another for filling.
  13. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    With the stock 20 and what not all hooked up to the tank and sump, I think he's just going to drain the waste water out through one of those with a ball valve.  Then he'll have an ATO from the resevior in the corner.
  14. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Thanks Robyn. I'm taking my sweet time about getting it set up, so that I can have things setup that are simple to work with and work on.

    Ya I'm sure that the day will come when the water will flow where it was not intended, so I did take some preventative measures by putting down a nice bead of silicone caulking around the whole room before I put down the

    Plastic baseboard trim.
    Next the plumbing, since I'm not going to use the lids an ATO is an absolute must IMOP, and I plan to add a DIY calcium reactor once I get it built.
    You're right Andrew about the water changes, just a simple valve to drain the tank and one fill it back up. 
  15. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    See I HAVE been paying attention.

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