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IM Back

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Phathead, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Phathead

    Phathead Well-Known ReefKeeper

    So after spending a few months in michigan I decided to come back there isnt much money here but you should go there wow!  On the plus side I did take my girlfriend to a place called the eben ice caves google the place it is cool and I proposed to her after 4 years of dating of course she said yes so theres something to look forward to.  I still have a ric tank and some variuos other corals I am in the process of starting to build a new sump that is going to be sweet with all the bells and whistles money is no concern I have been planning it for onths now it has begun.  Custom sump,refugium,skimmer,tank everything will be custom made to meat my exact needs.  The LFS up in the U.P. are absolutely the worst ive ever seen I even went to the extent of trying to get them shutdown or at least fined for it but I ran at a dead end because I couldnt find any organization that cared enough about fish some even laughed at me when I called I didnt take that to well so I gave them an earfull people dont realize how much of a bond you can create with fish at least saltwater fish never done freshwater either way if you cant take care of the pets you shouldnt keep them and you definelty shouldnt be selling them.  Price was almost double by the way.  Anyway It's great to be back hope evryone had a great christmas and new year.
  2. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Hey Phathead, Welcome back! I wondered when I saw that you were on...

    New tanks sounds sweet. You should document the build process and post pics!

  3. Phathead

    Phathead Well-Known ReefKeeper

    yeah I plan on it first I need to get a new house down here I have two dogs so renting is hard to find they are good dogs but convincing landlords that is not easy.
  4. Phathead

    Phathead Well-Known ReefKeeper

    my mom is already getting inpatient of all the acrylic in the basement LOL
  5. Troy

    Troy Experienced Reefkeeper

    glad to see you back. you need anything to help get started just let me know.

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