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January Photo Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Armydog, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Roman

    Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Here is my most photogenic guy
  2. rmclaughlin


    Love my Dwarf Golden Moray. He's always checking everything out. People go nuts when they seem him.

  3. gburkart

    gburkart Well-Known ReefKeeper

    and the winner is?
  4. gburkart

    gburkart Well-Known ReefKeeper

    which picture won?
  5. gburkart

    gburkart Well-Known ReefKeeper

  6. FishBrain

    FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    Donny is busy this evening with something for his wife's work. I'm sure he will be on here sometime soon. Lol doubt harassing him will hurry him up :whistling:
  7. gburkart

    gburkart Well-Known ReefKeeper

    well i wasnt trying to harass anyone,was just wondering if anybody knew whom won
  8. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    :roflmao:I am pretty sure I won.

    He is just having trouble deciding on a price that will justify my awesome pic!:D
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  9. FishBrain

    FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    Lol I know was just bustin your chops a little :roflmao:
  10. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    Sorry for the delay went to the meeting, then to Matts to finish cleaning the new tank and taking off the plumbing for 2 men and a truck next week, then went straight to a Christmas party and drank lots of water :whistling:..... But the girls at 4 paws originally picked @Hootie@Hootie but since your not a paid member I told them they will have to pick another one but if you become a paid member I will give you a bag of PE Mysis or LRS reef frenzy for just joining and because you were picked first.

    So the winner of the PE Mysis and refractometer which was another toss up between the fire fish but ultimately their favorite color won


    The girls now want purple fire fish in the tank up there
  11. gburkart

    gburkart Well-Known ReefKeeper

    sweet,congrats @xMermaidxx@xMermaidxx ,cool little fish indeed
  12. Ray/Jen_Reefin

    Ray/Jen_Reefin 2016 Vice President / 2015 Volunteer of the year.

  13. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    Congrats & thanks for putting on the contest!
  14. xMermaidxx


    Oh, wow. Thanks @Armydog@Armydog and everyone else. :) I really didn't even think my little fish stood a chance at winning with all the other beauties on here-- and I am being serious. I entered for the fun of it. I do need a refractometer though, so I'm happy that I won. Thanks again. :)
  15. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    Just let me know when you want to come get them
  16. xMermaidxx


    Okay sounds good. When are you available?
  17. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    Im off work mondays at noon, Tuesday's, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays schedule will change the week after that though but I'll still have 4 days off lol
  18. FishBrain

    FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

  19. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor


    I cant believe I forgot about this pic
    --- Auto-Merged, Jan 31, 2016 ---
    But it wasnt in my tank, so it wouldnt of been eligible
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  20. gburkart

    gburkart Well-Known ReefKeeper

    i love sea dragons

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