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JBs Calcium Reactor DIY

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by B-Rad, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    OK JB this is for you!!
    Its time to get started on this project.
    I know that there isn't Lot of DIY threads, But maybe we should add a DIYers Coulomb in the forums..... Hint,Hint!!!
    OK lets get started.
    I'm building JB a dual stage Cal reactor. 6" main chamber 4" secondary.
    First thing cutting the tubes to length using a chop-saw. 
    Making ends flat for gluing, ( some day I'll make a jig to hold the tubes for this !)
    Sanding the ends down with 1200 grit for good adhesion
    Buffing the scuffs and scratches out before gluing.
    The layout for the base plate.
    Cutting out the base plate, access will be used for the sides and top plate (later on ).
    The router table with the baseplate.
    tubes and base plate ready for pump holes and edging.
    Thats about it for today, lots more to come stay tuned.
  2. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Awesome! Can't wait to see it done.

    The Eheim 1048 arrived today btw.

  3. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Sweet. what are the chances of getting that pump? this weekend? I'll need it to lay out the plumbing points.
  4. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    I might be able to run it down saturday morning before our meeting. I'll let you know.

  5. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    That would be great!!

    I have a few questions for you when you come on the setup.
  6. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    I'll be at the meeting in Cedar Rapids and I can run the pump down to Rick's since he lives just a few miles for me.  But if you want to see all the cool stuff he has in person that's cool, but I'd figured I'd offer to to save you a trip.
  7. einsteins

    einsteins Experienced Reefkeeper

    Man I wish I had a router table like that....

  8. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Its here Bill, if you ever need to do something, you are more then welcome!!!!
  9. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Would saturday evening be soon enough Rick? If so, I'll just send it back with Andrew.

  10. Troy

    Troy Experienced Reefkeeper

    that is looking so sweet. I wish i could do something like that.
  11. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    I really like Rick's idea of having a DIY forum area. It would be a great place to put project build threads like this and also put links to other things that many of the club members rely on like DIY foods, additives, etc. Can you bring it up at the board meeting and see if we can get it added?

  12. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    JB, That works for me, saves you the trip.

    Thanks for the comps guys.

    More pics in a little bit.
  13. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    I got some more done today.

    More pics, sorry some are blurry!
    Making the caps and lids, Drilling the hole for speed fitting, 4" lid.
    Tapping the hole, and putting in the fitting.
    Drilling the hole for the pvc union on the 6" lid, and inserting the union.
    When drilling cast acrylic, I use a special bit. Keeps from cracking and chipping.
    I use a trim or edger bit in the router table to trace patterns.
    I use patterns when ever possible, makes things go a lot faster!!!
    Double sided sticky tape (the thick stuff) is used to hold the patterns in place.
    Getting ready to cut out the top plate.
    Tracing the pattern, for the top plate.
    Looking good!!
    Ready to do some gluing, and drilling the hole in the bottom plate for the pump return.
    Thats all for tonight, more to come !!
  14. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    Next fall fest, Rick. You should make a some extra skimmers, reactors and whatever else, show them off and see if you can get any orders.
  15. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Wow, that is looking great! I can't wait to see it.

    I don't think we're going to have our meeting today, so I'm going to have to run that pump down to you when the road conditions improve. Hopefully that won't mess you up too much.

  16. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Not a problem Jason.

    My original plan was to mount it under the reactor and hard pipe it with PVC, but what I can do is just hard pipe the main fittings and just put on some hose barbs to hook up the pump.

    The pump will just sit on the floor beside it, if that will work for you. Will be easy to clean that way!
    I can have this done for you by noon tomorrow.[​IMG][​IMG]
    I'll pm you with the total.
  17. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Yeath, that works fine for me! Guess I better order a tank and regulator huh?

    Wow, nice work!

  18. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Some more pics.
    Sorry about the quality of the pics, I think my camera has died, or it needs to.
    Its glue time, I use weld-on 4 and applicator for the main parts.   
    The #4 glue is very thin, and just bleeds right in to the joint.
    Once the #4 is dry I use a thick glue #16 to place a strong bead around all areas.  
    Now its time to make the diffusers.
    The beast.
    Setting up to cut the disc's.
    Cut out ready to lay out a pattern of holes.
    Drilling the holes.
    Diffusers done and installed, base plate and supports also done!
    Done ready for fittings and leak tests.
    Here you can see the thin plastic tank divider that I cut up to help keep the smaller pellets from falling below the diffuser.
    Well thats all for this build.
    Thanks for all the comps.
    And thanks to JB for having me do this for him!
  19. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    SWEET! Nice nice nice work!

    Can't wait to see this baby in action!

  20. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    Ok, so I received all of the C02 stuff today. I ended up getting a MaxiJet 400 as the feed pump. The one thing that I haven't figure out yet is what I need to get in order to connect the maxi-jet feed pump to the CA reactor. Any suggestions Rick?

    Also, I was going to ask you about the pH probe holder. Is that the tube that goes up in the middle? Do I need anything in particular to hook up the PH probe?



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