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Livestock for sale

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by wesly2007, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Well the time has come for me to move to Cedar rapids and im not going to be able to keep the 70 gallon.  I would prefer pick up as i have no experience shipping.  because i am going to be moving to Cedar rapids and I have yet to find a place I would be willing to bring them on one of the days im going to be there looking for a place.  If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them, just pm me.
    coral beauty -$20
    M yellow tang -$30
    3 pajama cardinals -$15
    Maroon clown pair -$60
    Xl black brittle star -$15
    M red brittle star -$10
    Chocolate chip star -$5
    short spine urchin -$10
    Live rock $2 per lb.
    Ihave not decided if im going to keep the tank and drygoods yet.  If i do decide to sell I will put it up for sale after all livestock is sold.
  2. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    I would love some smaller pieces of live rock. I need a few pounds of rubble if you have any and maybe some larger pieces for my main display too/ How much rock do you currently have?
    Do you have any corals in there or are they all spoken for? Also, where are you located?
  3. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I think I have around 100 to 120 lbs of larger rocks and I have bout 30 lbs of rock rubble.
    im in Cedar Falls;
  4. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I do have a couple of frags of kenya tree but the rest is going in my 25 gallon
  5. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    Hmmm... bit of a long drive from Ames if all I am doing is picking up some rock, LOL
    How much would you want for the kenyas and what size are they?
  6. Shaun

    Shaun Inactive User

    PM sent on the Yellow Tang.
  7. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    this is the link to the fish
  8. vikubz

    vikubz Well-Known ReefKeeper

    How is the coral beauty as far as nipping at corals? Also interested in the yellow tang if it is still available.
  9. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    livestock still for sale
    coral beauty -$20  spoken for
    M yellow tang -$30  spoken for
    3 pajama cardinals -$15
    Maroon clown pair -$60
    Xl black brittle star -$15
    M red brittle star -$10
    Chocolate chip star -$5
    short spine urchin -$10
    Live rock $2 per lb.
  10. beson

    beson Inactive User

    are you willing to break up the live rock sell
  11. xmasia

    xmasia Well-Known ReefKeeper

    anyway i can get pics of the rock interested in all of it
  12. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    waiting on someone to pick up the rock.  was suppose to be here tonight but never called I will keep everyone informed.
    all i have right now is the rock rubble.
     I still have the following livestock
    yellow striped maroon clown pair
    3 pajama cardinals
    short spine urchin
    large black brittle star
  13. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    That's some good looking rock everyone. Very pretty stuff. Saw it about a year ago so it could have only gotten better :)
  14. matt1971

    matt1971 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Yes... I bought 80 lbs. Very nice holes. I am quite pleased. Got some mushrooms, zoas, and kenya tree growing on it as a bonus. What he has left is quite nice as well.
  15. beson

    beson Inactive User

    how much for the rock rubble
  16. wesly2007

    wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    ok for those of you inquiring about the live rock.  All I have is rubble it is going for two dollars a pound.  I will not however be getting rid of it until I have all of the livestock out.  I currently have a pair of gold stripe maroons, $60  3  pajama cardinals $15  (for all three).  and  Short spine urchin.

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