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Looking for Acrylic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cipher43, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Cipher43


    Like the title says im looking for a place to buy some acrylic from.  I live just south of Storm Lake so im around 1 hour from fort dodge and sioux city.  I am planning on building a sump for my 120 gallon tank.  Any ideas of where to look?  all i have found so far are plastic dealers that deal in farm around me.  also can anyone tell me how thick of material i am going to need for the sump.  The dimensions are going to be around 40"L X 20W X 20T i think.....
  2. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    In Sioux City, one place to consider is Elastomer Engineering, 712-252-1067. I believe they stock clear acrylic in 48"x96" sheets in 1/8", 3/16", and 1/4" thickness and they can saw cut to size, but not router or machine edges--they don't bend, fabricate, or glue acrylic either. They can get 3/8" or 1/2" fairly easily, but would sell by the sheet unless they happen to have a piece of drop the right size. I called for pricing today (I was curious) and a 48"x96" sheet of 1/4" is $203, 3/8" is $481, and 1/2" is $518. I don't know how the prices compare, but there it is.

    There is a place in Lemars called Drico Products and I heard they have a vaccuum router that can cut up to a 4'x8' panel and they work with wood and plastic. Sounds nice.

    As far as acrylic glue, I've considered ordering from McMaster Carr. I'm not sure if anyone has it in the Sioux City area.
  3. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    those prices are ridiculously high. the price for 3/8" is almost triple what I can get it for.  When you figure in all the tooling and supply costs it might be a lot cheaper just to have me build one for you.  Let me know.  check the commercial/sponsors forums for some examples of projects I have going on.  There will be more updates to a few of those threads in the coming week as I will be finishing 2 sumps this weekend and starting a few more projects ASAP.
  4. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Bud, I'm glad you chimed in. I was actually thinking of you when I wrote my first tidbit. I suspected the prices were high, but...wow! I've been tossing around ideas for a sump for under my tank versus one in the basment, but it may be quite a while befor I do anything with it. If I do go the route of an acrylic sump, I will plan to check in with you first. I do enjoy seeing your projects in these forums. Keep up the good work. Dan
  5. Cipher43


    WOW glad you both say thats high cause i was hoping for less than that lol. Also thoguht i would throw in im going to mason city this weekend so if anyone knows of a good place up there please let me know. Even in Des Moines wouldnt bother me cause i could make a trip if needed.
  6. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    No place that will be open on the weekend. At least not a place where you can get any cell cast (preferred) or a quality domestic extruded. You have to go direct to the suppliers for that, like Regal in Waterloo or Des Moines or Sabic in Cedar Rapids. Also there are certain types/brands that you really should only use. If you are set on making it yourself, I can give you all the advice you want /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif
  7. Cipher43


    Thanks for the help cause i will probably need it. I figure i can save some money doing it myself cause i have a 48L X 24W X 12T tank i got from a GIRS member thats made of 3/8 inch acrylic that had a blow out on one end. I figured i could use the bottom out of it and cut it down to the size i need and also use the current sides to make the eurobrace so im not needing a ton of the stuff but enough to drive me crazy on trying to find some
  8. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    I use www.estreetplastics.com as my supplier, have for years, shipped right to your door and very well packaged every time, never had a damaged piece yet. They have good prices, sell a large variety of just about any size/color/thickness you would want and it is all cast not extruded crap like the box stores sell. Very important imo for fabricating and getting clean cuts. A good table saw with a fine tooth blade is also important.
    Arcylic solvent cement I order from tap plastics (be sure to get a applicator bottle as well to use it)  and if need be weldon#16 off of ebay.
  9. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    A word of caution - the expert tank makers, specifically James Steele of Envision Acrylics ("Acrylics" on RC) recommends using only Plexiglas-G (Arkema/Atoglas brand name) or Spartech Polycast for making tanks. You can also use the 'general purpose' grade cell cast stuff from Arkema, it's the same as Plex-g just no print on the mask. I would doubt that the estreet stuff is either of those manufacturers because they list it as "Plexiglass" with 2 "s"s.

    Plexiglas is like Kleenex, people call all acrylic plexiglas but all is not and there is a difference. For instance, make a tank out of Chemcast GP and you risk it falling apart, literally, a few months later. This is why several tank makers using it went out of business, and why the best tank makers won't touch the stuff. Similarly Cyro Acrylite GP is now made in China for anything under 1" and it isn't the same anymore, hasn't been truly tested long-term, and tank makers won't touch it anymore.

    For sumps, probably fine. But you just never know. The true test of a sump's strength is how it holds up under maximum stress, which would be when you have a power or pump failure and it fills up. And that is the one time when you definitely don't want it to fail.

    Just sayin...
  10. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    Didn't look into it that far...... I have yet to have one sump/fuge fall apart or break on me yet. Although I have not used it for any display aquariums because I am a fan of glass since it does not scratch easy. I went and looked what I had from estreet here and the clear is marga cipta brand. The black I have just has a pain paper masking with no id on it.
    I had to tear a sump apart a while back that I redid and ended up breaking the acrylic sheet before the seems broke so I'll assuming that it is good stuff.
  11. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    That looks like it's made in indonesia, so I would have to ask someone about it's quality. Like I said though, the tank makers that have been around for decades will use nothing but Arkema and Spartech products and there is a reason for that.

    IMO what this comes down to is pretty simple: you can get the stuff that you know is good for less than you can get it online with shipping, and that includes driving to go get it in CR.
  12. Cipher43


    I see im learning some very important things about acrylic this week.... Im glad cause comming into the week the only info i really knew was that it scratches easy and isnt cheap lol. I have been reading up on it quite a bit and have been getting help from some people on Saltwaterfish.com and reading lots of stuff on RC.
    BTW i went home yesterday and measured for what i want to do and im thinking about going with 36L X 18T X 20 W now or 20 tall. That way i can get the sump out of the front of my stand im building right now.
    with that said am i still going to need 3/8th inch or is 1/4 inch good?
  13. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Personally I won't make anything out of 1/4", the cost difference really isn't that much and the tank/sump isn't the place you want to skimp considering how much $ you have invested in the rest of the system. You *can* make it out of 1/4", and if the seams are good it will hold, it will just bow like mad, which adds stress over time to the seams and you might start to notice them pulling apart years down the line. Adding baffles in the right places would reduce that, or a top eurobrace. If you look at stock sumps like eshopps or others like them they generally do 1/4" or 3/16" so yes it can be done. I just prefer to overbuild, then it will definitely hold under extreme conditions and last much longer.
  14. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    I get all my acrylic from McMaster Carr. They ship fast and are very reasonable on their prices. I can order from them and have it on my door step the very next day. Just make sure you get the cast acrylic. 
    as an example, 3/8 x 24" x 48" sheet for 77.56.
  15. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    Bud....you're totally freakin awesome dude! I love it! Nerd.... hahaha me too
  16. KirklinsClownfish

    KirklinsClownfish Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Myself working in the sign industry for 15 years Floyd Turbo is exactly correct...G grade is the best ...the china stuff anymore is garbage it sucks to work with and my glues do not hold up to it over a period of time I buy all ours through Sabic and Cope or Regal.
  17. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Good source for tube stock!  Thanks for the link!
    Still, 2x the price of Sabic in CR.  Just trying to help you out B-Rad!
  18. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    NO prob, do they have a web address or # that they can be contacted. do you order and pick up, or will they ship?

    Thanks BUD!
  19. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Jeff Erickson 319-365-1460 they don't have the CR location up on their website yet.

  20. KirklinsClownfish

    KirklinsClownfish Well-Known ReefKeeper

    They are on off 6th street Rick by Hawkeye Downs 4-5 blocks North. I get a pretty decent discount from there Rick. Let me know what you need I can pick it up if you want to.

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