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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dead fish, May 1, 2013.

  1. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    So...we're moving to a much bigger house just a street over from where we are now. My 180 currently lives in our finiished basement but the basement in the new place isn't finished yet. There's plenty of space upstairs, but the wife has nixed something as large as the 180 in the upstaire portions of the house. Not to mention that the memory of moving the 180 out of one basement and into the other is too fresh to really feel like doing it again right now.

    So I'm wondering if I should bite the bullet and move the 180 to the basement of the new place. I'd have to work on finishing the space around it, which is problematic for a bunch of reasons, or should I get smaller tanks for upstairs? A 120 is a possibility, or a couple smaller tanks.
  2. blackx-runner

    blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    I'd say bigger house, bigger tank.
    Finish the basement and put a 3-400 gallon tank right in the wall.
  3. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Maybe I asked the wrong group of folks for advice :)
  4. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Yes. You did.
  5. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    I agree/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif But the tanks look only half as big once they are in a wall.

    Any way if your floor joist are running the opposite direction of the tank a 180 would be fine upstairs. If it's parallel with them you may want supports under it. This all depends on how old the house is and if it is close to or directly above any walls that may be in the basement also.

  6. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    It's not so much the weight as the girth that has the wife saying no. 6 feet of tank is a lot to as of a living room.

    I have to admit I'm warming to the idea of maybe 2 90s or a 90 and a cube of some kind. I dunno.
  7. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    Ohhh I guess I just assumed it was the wieght issue.
    Do the 180 in the basement and add a 90 upstairs, tie them together for more stability with a central sump. Then theres no additional equipment to purchase other than the tank and lighting for it.
  8. blackx-runner

    blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    cubes are awesome.
    If I were to ever add another display tank I would more than likely end up with something like a 90 cube.
  9. MXC207

    MXC207 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    At least 400 gallon tank. Room divider in wall. Its the way to go. Do it. Do it.
  10. Tickyty

    Tickyty Well-Known ReefKeeper

    It is fun spending others money, so I say put a 120 gal upstairs and tell her it is her fault since she would not let you put the 180 up stairs. Then when the basement is finished put up the 180.
  11. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Here's the house: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1403-Hollywood-Blvd-Iowa-City-IA-52240/76763883_zpid/

    There are no pics of the basement, but there is space that I could build a tank in to the wall where there's a place I could build it in.

    Just for ease of moving the fish etc. I think I'm going to set up and start cycling a tank over there ASAP and then transfer. Probably have to sell the 180 in order to fund that, but not before we move...
  12. softieatheart

    softieatheart Inactive User

    We wouldn't steer you wrong! LOL!

  13. softieatheart

    softieatheart Inactive User

    Nice! Love those countertops. You could put a big tank in that master bedroom, too....... Just sayin'.

  14. blackx-runner

    blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    I see plenty of room for a big tank....
  15. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    I agree, plenty of room, you know the old saying: happy wife, happy life.

    I'm leaning toward a 90 or a 120. Anyone know of a good deal new or used on a RR?

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