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My 125 Build

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dead fish, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    We're finally starting to settle in after moving last month. I've been meaning to get some pics of the new tank up and took a few quick ons this evening. The battery was dying on the camera, so I dodn't get to spenthe time I wanted getting good shots, but I thought I'd throw some up anyway.




    I mounted all my electronics on a board so I could pull it out easier. We'll see if that works well.


    Crooked FTS:

  2. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    sweet tank, what are the dimmensions?
  3. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    It's weird: 46x22x29, I think. I like it. It fit the spot I have for it perfectly.
  4. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Guess a guy's gotta have a 400 gallon tank these days to get any love on GIRS.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  5. Kpotter2

    Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    Looks great Jason! I really like that size and it was very light weight when we moved it. I didn't get much love when I posted about my big upgrade also. Not even my cool friends like you. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif

    Just a heads up about keeping the Apex stuff near your sump. Its not recommended and with the moisture can shorten the life of the unit. I was going to do the same thing, but read some issues with it and decided not to.

  6. Lee

    Lee Experienced Reefkeeper

    Looks good. Most everything must have survived the move? How's the DC return pump working out?
  7. Rookie...


    Looks great!!! I hopefully get to the point of having more than 6 corals. Can't wait for the picnic to see how you have everything set up, especially that apex.
  8. Rookie...


    Also, I LOVE your stand!
  9. mpivit

    mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Looks awesome, I also really like those dimensions.
    Is that a wp40 pump in there, if so what do you think?
  10. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Kyle, I only just found your thread. I've been crazy busy and hadn't been to the Photos forum for a while. I still think we should have a "Tank Builds" forum. Maybe someone on the board could get that done...;-)

    You tank is looking awesome though. Can't wait to see it in person.

    I wish I had another option for keeping the Apex stuff, but since the tank is in the upstairs there's no way the wife would let me put it anywhere, even if I built a cabinet for it.

    I have a new skimmer coming tomorrow. I'm excited to get it running. I could never get the pump on the old skimmer to start working right again, so I just decided to go new. Not necessary, but new stuff is fun. Here's what I got. http://www.fragtasticreef.com/Bubble-Magus-Curve-7-Skimmer-Bubble-Magus-Curve-7-Skimmer.htm

    The DC pump has been amazing so far. It's absolutely dead silent. I forget that it's there at all. If it's reliable long term then DC pumps are truly the wave of the future. I'm seriously impressed.

    I'm also impressed with the WP 40. I stuck it in there, put it on the W1 mode dialed about 1/2 way and it works great and has been nearly silent as well. When the pump for my closed loop is running I can't hear it at all. If I didn't have the closed loop pump the whole tank would be pindrop quiet. Wow.

    The only fish I lost was my diamond goby. He made the move fine but a week or so later I found him belly up in the sand with a hermit crab eating his face. There's a lot less sand surface in this tank than there was in my 180. Maybe he wasn't eating enough? I don't know.

    So right now I have about 15 fish in there. It feels fully stocked. I've got tons and tons of coral that I got from Eliot. So far this is the best tank experience I've had the 125 feels right, size wise and I'm really liking it.

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