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My Monster Skimmer!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by B-Rad, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Well it's a DIY skimmer that I've been working on for my 120g in wall tank. Its a little overkill but what the heck!!![​IMG]
    It started out to be a Becket skimmer, but I decided to try a Dart Needle wheel (recirculating setup) instead.[​IMG]
    Does anyone know anything about that pump, good or bad????[​IMG]
    I'm saving for the pump right now.[​IMG]
    Here are some pics.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wow, that looks like one heck of a skimmer. How wide is the reaction chamber? I would think with a dart you might run the risk of sending bubbles back into the tank as it's a pretty high flow pump. Looks good. Great craftsmanship!
  3. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

    Wow That thing is huge. Let's see some more pics with it running. Nice work. Where did you get the acrylic at?
  4. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    Wow that is incredible.

    I am going to have to stop by the next time I am down @ my parents.

    You keep making stuff like that you are going to have alot of club members asking for favors
  5. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Thanks guys for the comps!!

    Ryansholl, The main chamber is 6"x 4.5' tall with a 4"x 12" inlet tube that has a diffuser plate. Total hight of 6.5'. I'm hoping that doesn't happen but we'll see!
    Wolfe 1, I'll get some pics of it running once I get my pump.  http://www.mcmaster.com/ is were I get the tubing, they have a great selection and fast service (2 days tops)!!
    http://www.eplastics.com/, This is were I get the black acrylic sheets, and Weld On glue.
    Roads, You guys are all welcome any time, I have cold brews in the fridge and love to talk shop!!
    I'm still learning, but this stuff a lot of fun!!
    Heres a pic of my first attempt.

    It's on my 10G prop tank.
  6. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Ryansholl, Any other suggestions for the pump?
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Nope /DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif I've never run that large a pump on a homemade skimmer! I'm just thinking of the skimmer bodies you usually see paired with a dart NW and they're usually large... maybe a foot or more in diameter? I would almost think they'd have to be that large or the sheer volume of water running through the system will be pushing water out of the bottom of the reaction chamber with too much velocity and carrying lots and lots of microbubbles out of the skimmer and into your system. I would think that the problem could be countered by hooking the dart up as a recirc but then there may still be a problem with the neck being too small for the volume of air running through it. Then again (there's lots of ifs here /DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif ) the height of the skimmer will seriously reduce air intake for the pump if you're not 1) force feeding it air or 2) elevating the pump up near the top of the chamber, so it may end up being a good match up. Reduced air intake will mean more water volume through the pump, so again you may run back into the problem of microbubbles exiting the skimmer.

    Again, I haven't built a skimmer that tall and haven't used a dart NW. Try it as you were going to, and if there is a problem let me know. I'm sitting here running through things in my head and I think just about every potential problem can be remedied so long as the pump isn't simply too big for a 6" reaction chamber.
  8. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Ya, that was one of my concerns, they say they can be valved down, but what will that do to bubble production?
    I'm sure I will figure something out, whether it be plumbing a line from the output to the input with a gate valve, or mounting the pump up high like you said and create a down draft affect?
    Hummm, food for thought!!! 
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Restricting the pump intake will decrease the maximum bubble production, but allow you to tune the air and water intakes to the T. Theoretically you should be able to tune the skimmer to EXACTLY the right ratio of water and air so that you have a complete froth inside the length of the reaction chamber and no bubbles escaping the system. The only question would be "could you get by with a smaller pump and do the same thing?"

    The dart doesn't draw much power. I'd stick with the plan on using one. It should make for one hell of a skimmer. One question though: How is the water level adjustable within the reaction chamber? (I can no longer see the pictures)
  10. phishcrazee

    phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    Yeah, all the pictures have been moved/deleted /DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif
  11. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Sorry guys, Hope they are back up.

    I think that the Dart will be the way to go, I'd rather have to much then not enough.

    The two fittings on top are the input and return lines. I'm going to run a small pump from the sump to the skimmer, then back to the sump with a gate valve to regulate the level.
    The two fittings on the front are the input and out for the recirculating pump. I'm hoping that the Dart puts out enough of a head that I wont need to have to high of a water level.
    Since the main output of the skimmer goes to the sump its not all that important that all the bubbles stay in the chamber, they should have plenty of time to leave the sump be for they enter the tank.
    I'm hoping anyway!! lol!!!
  12. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

    Becarful restricting the suction side of the pump if you do. I'm not trying to be a downer but restricting it to much is a sure way to burn up a pump. Can your sump hold an extra 6.5 gallons of water too if the pump gets turned off? What is the wall thickness of that tube too? Looks great.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ahh... I missed the other two fittings on the side of the lower box.

    If you're not worried about bubbles making their way into the sump, and if you're ok with installing something to help rid the system of them, I don't think you'll have any problem making everything work. Would still put a gate valve on the pump intake to help adjust your air draw with that much of a head height.
  14. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    WOW 'nuff said
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Holy cow!  I didn't realize exactly how big it would be until I saw the pics.
  16. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    That definately is one "bad boy" skimmer!    I know nothing about building skimmers and what you have created looks pretty awesome!  
    I believe that the Dart pump is very highly regarded as are all Sequence pumps.  I just bought a Reeflo Orca and specifically went with that skimmer because it is run by a Dart Gold pump.  I'll let you know what I think of it in a few days.
    Keep us posted on your progress.
  17. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    Again, thanks for the compliments.

    Unfortunately I won't be able to really try it out for a month or two!![​IMG]
    My tank room is still in proses of being finished, so until that gets done my 120g will sit empty!![​IMG]
    On the other hand that just gives me time to plan out the rest of the system.[​IMG]
    I'm working on a custom Wave Maker that should be just as cool.. I,ll start another thread later on that![​IMG]
    RobynT, I'd like to know how well you like you're new skimmer, you must be excited to get that up and running!! [​IMG][​IMG]
  18. billbigsbe

    billbigsbe Well-Known ReefKeeper

    P.S. no one comented about the awsome VW motor just laying on the garage floor! LOL Skimmer Envy!

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