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My Potomotrygon Project.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ALaake, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. ALaake


    As some of you may know I'm messing around with breeding Potomotrygon species.....
    NO successfull litters yet, as my first to be prego miscarried.  She is due again towards the middle of July.
    Here she is 10 weeks into her typical 100 day gestation period.
  2. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    Damn those are nice look'in ray's!
  3. ALaake


    Pond dwellers.......
    First the males.....
    The other mature female Marble

    Now this is where stuff gets interesting......
    This is my female "Darkness"  she is a Henlei/Motoro hybrid.  Commonly referred to as a "Mantilla" (the guy who began importing them) which I believe is a generic name given to naturally occuring hybrids that carried a similar pattern.  My ray is a captive bred from an aquarium here in the states.  She is a VERY thick very aggressive ray (which is why I believe she has not been impregnated, both males are smaller and too passive for her)
    This is the other female residing in the pond.  She is a Jaguar Ontorongo.  These rays get much larger then the motoros and therefore take longer to mature.  She needs to be up around 16-18inches across before she is mature.  She's only around a foot now (but was only around 7 inches when she arrived in November)
    Those are the rays in my pond.......
    Anyone care to see the residents of the 300 gallon "growout"????
  4. got2lb

    got2lb Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Awesome, would love to see pics of your entire setup! I used to have 3 motoro's when I first got into fish keeping.
  5. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    Niiice man, kinda makes me wanna setup the pond again. Good luck on the breeding, maybe try some candles and Barry Manalow.

  6. ALaake


    Maybe that's the ticket!!! If the low PH swings to mimic the rainy season don't work I'll definetly give it a try.....

    I've also heard blacklights, orange juice, loud trance/rave music and some crushed up XTC in the water may make them get jiggy. {KIDDING OF COURSE}

    Waverz IF you do decide to set that pond up I'm sure we could find you some VERY nice rays for nice prices..... Set up a drip so that there's no more WC incidents.Then maybe I won't feel so alone keeping rays in this big ol cornfield.

    I'll dig up some pics of the "growouts" tomorrow. The real lookers are in growout...... Except the Jag. That thing makes all my fancy Marbles look bad.
  7. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    I thought about doing a drip, the problem I had was Chlorimines, it doesn't just dissipate out of water like Chlorine does, therefore I would have needed to setup large resivors of treated water as a source for the drip. At that time I didn't want to get that involved. It only took one water change without using a water treatment product and they were toast.
  8. ALaake


    I am VERY sorry to hear about your loss Waverz. I know how tough it is losing rays. They aren't like other fish when they die, there is something different about them, much closer to losing a family pet like a dog....

    Chloramines are something I've never had to, and never plan on dealing with (according to local water dept). Definetly throws a wrench into a drip system. Have to incorporate a doser (like a dose-matic) and dilute Prime (or whatever choice of chemical you have). Still well worth the cost and hassle.

    I unfortunately don't own a house, but rather rent. So this throws a huge wrench into messing with the plumming.

    I just do massive waterchanges while dreaming of the luxury of a drip system.
  9. ALaake


    300 Gallon "growout"......  300 Gallon Tenecor.  (2) 2in drains, spraybars built into the top, Dolphin 4700 pump, sump is an old acrylic rack system with the dividers cut out, 2 bio towers, guessing probobly 40-50 gallons of bio (bio ball/pot scrubbie mix), and an attempt at a settling chamber prior to the (4) 200 micron filter socks.  Needless to say the 4000+ GPH is a little much for a settling chamber....lol
    The inhabitants.......
  10. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    Awesome setup man, looks like I'm not the only one that hit up all the Dollar Generals in the area for scrubby pads.
  11. ALaake


    Posted By Waverz on 06/09/2009 09:22 AM
    Awesome setup man, looks like I'm not the only one that hit up all the Dollar Generals in the area for scrubby pads. I had to sweet talk a few places into ordering massive amounts.
    I believe I used somewhere between 1200 and 1300 in the pond filter......  Guessing probobly 600 or so in the 300 gallon growout filter.

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