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New Job...

Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by ZLTFUL, May 9, 2008.


    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    So I recieve an email a couple of Sundays ago from an HR rep from a company here in town asking if I would be interested in speaking to her about a position they have available.
    I was far from desperate and while this didn't look like the typical weekly spew of random "An Exciting Network Opportunity for you in Wherethehellisthat, Mexico!!!" emails I was getting, I was still skeptical because it WAS Sunday.
    So I replied saying I would be happy to call her on Monday to chat about the job and my qualifications. She responded immediately that she was excited and would be looking forward to my call...hmm sounds a little zealous but then most of the spam mails don't respond to replies.
    I give her a call on Monday and turns out that she is the HR director for the largest Anheiser Busch distributor in the state of Iowa. The position is titled LAN/WAN Administrator and she gave me an explaination of the job. It sounds alot more like a full on System Admin position. I get a bit more excited because this is exactly what I want to do...a Sys Admin for a company with a couple of hundred or so employees. So we talk some more and make arrangements for an interview that following day.
    I head in to the interview the next day and sit down with the IT Manager and the HR Director and run the normal gauntlet of questions. They like what they have heard and would like for me to meet one of the owners. So we set up a second interview for Thursday. I go to the interview on Thursday and meet the CFO, the co-owner, the Graphics Dept. Manager, the Technical Sales Director, the IT manager again and the HR Director again. They go around the table asking me another plethora of questions, throwing some scenarios at me as well. I shake hands and that's that.
    The following day, around 3:40 in the afternoon, I recieve a call saying that everyone liked what they saw and would I be willing to entertain an offer. They make me an offer (with more pay and almost identical benefits as Wells...) and I readily accept.
    This past Wednesday, the results of my drug screen and my background check came back and so, starting Monday, I am the newest System Admin for the largest Beer distributor in the state of Iowa.
    So...who wants to party? [​IMG]
    Not sure of the EXACT specifics just yet but it is what I wanted to do and I am really looking forward to the opportunity. The thing that has me the most excited is that the ownership is on site and they are very open to new ideas and suggestions when it comes to technology.
  2. xroads

    xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    Man that is great I am happy for you.

    Now just dont park your motorcyle where you are not supposed to!
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Nice. Does this mean you'll make the next meeting?
  4. phishcrazee

    phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

  5. Philby

    Philby Inactive User

    Congrats on finding something so quickly....and for a beer distributer!! I can imagine you'll enjoy all the free beer! (hopefully they give you free beer...)

    On a side note - they were painting new motorcycle parking spots (i assume based on the size) yesterday in the ramp, and some of them were outside of the gates so if you would have parked there you wouldn't have gotten fired and wouldn't now work for a beer company!!

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    They have this HUGE hospitality room that has one of the biggest bars I have ever seen.

    I will indeed be making it to the next meeting and was even considering hosting it. Of course, someone would have to bring their XBox and Rock Star game...I just have access to a regular old XBox...

    If i don't host it, I do want to show off my clowns and the frogspawn one of these days.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good deal Ryan. Glad to hear you found something.

  8. einsteins

    einsteins Experienced Reefkeeper

    Gratz man that is awesome!!

  9. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Congratulations Ryan! I hope everything works out well in your new position. So...does this mean a bigger tank for you? /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif
  10. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    Congratulations Ryan! I'll get my order in now, I'll take 10 cases of Sam Adams, urrrrr I mean Amber Bock I guess.
  11. ZLTFUL

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Actually, they are also the Boston Brewery distributor for central Iowa...as well as Goose Island...as well as...something like 2600 total different beers and malt beverages.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well, you need to get a list and post it somewhere. I am all about different beers.
  13. ZLTFUL

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Plan to. Didn't think however that "What beers do I get for free or reduced prices?" was an appropriate interview question hehe.
  14. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    That's great you got a job so fast. It sounds like with that title you will get your own parking spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. ZLTFUL

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    They have a nice big lot with plenty of parking for everyone and only 4 reserved spots. 2 for handicapped and 2 for the owners. The rest are first come first served.

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