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Ozone use any opinions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 46, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

       Just wondering what everyone elses thoughts are on ozone use?
    I plan on getting a ReaSea ozone unit from my kids for x-mas.[​IMG]
    There are a few reason I'd like to try ozone. I've always figured even with great nutrient exporting with natural filtration, protein skimming, and water changes not all dissolved organic compounds are taken care of.  Bacteria in our tanks take care of a lot of the filtration but they also produce DOC's that are not.  Skimmers take care a lot of the waste but still do not get it all.  Water changes can take care of the rest?  Even with a 50% water change something will only be reduced 50%.  Another 50% water change will only reduce something to 25% of original.  So dilution is never a good solution.  I just figure that Ozone will help oxidize the rest of the DOC's that build up in an aquarium allowing the filtration to have a greater affect.
  2. covey


    I don't use it.

    Dr. Randy Holmes-Farely
    The most complete, long winding and fair set of articles, I've ever seen on the subject.

    Read up and decide for yourself but I don't think it is needed
  3. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

    Ok, I’ve read this article a few times and have to say I think it was very well written by someone very uninformed. Here is some of the stuff I know about Ozone in reef aquaria. And some of what I’ve learned doing water testing for ORP everyday at work.
    First off what is Ozone? Ozone (O3) is a naturally occurring molecule at very high altitude. At normal elevation where humans live it is made artificially mostly from electrical processes. O3 at normal altitude will break down rapidly into an O2 molecule and a single O atom. The single O atom will then seek out another atom or molecule to attach to. Ozone, chlorine and bromine are the three main oxidizers used today.
    Why do people run ozone in a reef aquarium? Well corals can and do produce byproducts and toxins that bacteria will not break down. Most reef aquariums are a virtual sest pool of organic waste. One of the main reasons for water changes is to dilute the organic waste that is produced along with adding elements back into the system. Ozone will provide a means to break down complex organic waste molecules into smaller molecules that the bacteria will be able to consume. In turn running ozone will create a healthier reef aquarium.
    How to set up an ozone unit is very simple. In order an air dryer, an air pump, an ozone unit, and a skimmer, with an ORP probe put inline with your return. An air dryers main function is to dry the air going to your air pump and ozone generator. The dryer the air the more longevity you will get out of the ozone generator and air pump. Next, the air pump pumps air from the dryer to the ozone generator. The ozone unit as stated makes O3 an oxidizer that will then be injected into a protein skimmer. In the protein skimmer is where all the organic compounds will be broken down by the O3. Due to the nature of an ozone molecule no ozone will ever leave the skimmer. And finally the O3 is controlled with an ORP probe.
    What is an ORP probe and how to get accurate readings from it? ORP stands for Oxidation-Reduction Potential. In practical terms, it is a measurement to oxidize contaminants. It's as simple as that. ORP is metered by simply running a small electrical current and measuring the potential difference in milli-volts. ORP readings can and will be confusing without a certain understanding. The Ph and ORP go hand in hand. The Ph of the test water will greatly affect the amount of milli-volts or ORP being read. Without Ph being stable it is virtually impossible to correctly control ORP. With Ph at a constant there is not a more accurate reading to reef hobbyists.
    What can be expected when first firing up an ozone unit? Well in some cases the bacteria can go crazy. They will basically be given another food source that was denied to them in the past. In time water clarity will increase do to less contaminants in the water which in turn will also increase light penetration. Running ozone will then create a more sterile enviorment for ones animals making the aquarium healthier.
    And of course can Ozone be dangerous to ones health. Sure it can be deadly. If an ozone generator was just put to open air it’d be like running a small welder in your home or an Ionic filter which will do the same thing. As for the chemical compounds that can be produced in your aquarium. Well the ones that can be harmful are produced at such a minute level that it is almost silly to mention.
    Is running ozone for everyone? Absolutely not! As stated if one does not have the ability to correctly control Ph, one will not be able to control ORP either. In this case the person should first go back to correctly controlling Ph, Calc, Hardness, and Mag.
    In conclusion I’d have to say an ozone generator is definitely a worth while investment for someone that keeps their tank with balanced parameters.
  4. Bullet

    Bullet Inactive User

    I had a Red Sea and I had to replace it twice. I know Coralfreak had to do the same with his. I would recommend looking for a different brand.

    Your kids would feel bad if the gift they "give" you fails in two months. I cannot remember the brand that everyone uses...but if I figure it out I will post. I think it is the same one Calfo used.
  5. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Ozotech is supposed to be one of the better ones.  Link.
  6. Bullet

    Bullet Inactive User

    Thats the one! Make sure you check the warranty to make sure they will warranty problems if you do not have a dryer on it.

    This is the greatest thing about a club.....you can play off of everyone elses' mistakes and save money at the same time.

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