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Sabae Anenome Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JB, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. KDaullary

    KDaullary Inactive User

    Mine seems to be the same way, He'll eat half a silver side now and then but he mostly seems to be getting food from the frozen brine shrimp and mysis that im feeding to my fish. Any thoughts on this ?
  2. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    Posted By KDaullary on 12/12/2007 9:43 AM
    Mine seems to be the same way, He'll eat half a silver side now and then but he mostly seems to be getting food from the frozen brine shrimp and mysis that im feeding to my fish. Any thoughts on this ?
    Same old questions: Water params and lighting. Nem's want really bright light and really good water. When these are right my Sabae eats very well and grows very large. Mine is about 12 inches in diameter and eats 2 or 3 silversides or krill every couple days. If he is feeling good he will close up quite quickly. If he isn't feeling as good he closes slowly. At least this is my opinion on Sabae's and Nem's in general.
  3. JB

    JB Veteran Reefkeeper


    I think you're exactly right. I've had my bubble tip for a while now and it grabs onto food quickly and closes up quickly when disturbed. I don't target feed it that often because it seems to be growing very fast on it's own (though I do give it the occasional treat)

    I did pick up one of the "white" sabea's when we stopped at Pet's Playhouse during the Tank Tour. I don't think it's in the best of health, but I do think it will make it. Last night it had attached to one of my rocks and was opening up nicely. Hopefully it's feeding response will improve soon.

  4. KDaullary

    KDaullary Inactive User

    mine is from pets playhouse as well, he likes to move if he is not where he wants to be, he does close up quickly if you move him or put a silverside on his tips seems sometimes he's just not hungry.

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