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Salifert Test Kits

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by darkiss, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. darkiss

    darkiss Inactive User

    I live in Des Moines and looking for

    Salifert Test Kits or Red Sea Pro test kits

    Does anyone know where I Can find them?
  2. jstngates

    jstngates Experienced Reefkeeper

    amazon has them idk any place in des moines
  3. Actuary

    Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    It depends on which Salifert test your looking for, but I know Adam's had some Salifert kits (Magnesium for sure). You'd probably be much better off ordering them online if you can wait though. Keep in mind that some of the less common kits can sit on the shelves at an LFS for quite a long time and may be approaching their expiration date.
  4. darkiss

    darkiss Inactive User

    Thanks for the replys I live right next to adam's and was there yesterday but did not see them.

    I think i am just going to go with that cheap stuff and not care as much
  5. Pete H.

    Pete H. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    If you are just starting your tank and are not planning on any difficult fish or corals, I think that the less accurate and expensive API test kits should work. I am sure some will disagree, however, if you take the time to stock your tank slowly and understand that your test kit's limitations, you should be fine. Keep a close eye on your ecosystem for any changes for hints. Just plan to possibly upgrade down the road when your tank matures further.
  6. darkiss

    darkiss Inactive User

    Great ya I had to go with the cheap API test kits. I felt kind of dirty using them and they are a bit hard to manage. However, I was very happy to use them since they gave very very different results compared to the cheap walmart saltwater test strips.
  7. darkiss

    darkiss Inactive User

    Currently it looks like my levels are:

    Salt 1.025-1.026
    Carbonate 143.2-179
    Calcium 460ppm
    ammonia .25-.50
    ph 8.2-8.4
  8. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Adams generally carries many of them, but he keeps them behind the counter. Last time I bought anything from him was years ago in the old store though.

    I just get them from Bulk Reef Supply. Their prices are as good as any and they are in Minneapolis so if you order and pay before 3:30pm you get them the next day 90% of the time.
  9. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    When you say Carbonate, which kit are you using?

    You should not have any ammonia. Are you cycling?
  10. darkiss

    darkiss Inactive User

    Great thanks for the info

    I actually live right by Adams and they said they did not carry it so I went down the road and bought the cheap apt tests all for 30$. Later don the road I plan on getting Better test kits, but this is still an upgrade for me since I was using test strips from Walmart that were giving some very bad results.

    Yes i am cycling and today the ammonia is at around .25


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