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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Waverz, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    As some of you may know i placed an order with swf.com early last week.  I really should have waited till this spring when the weather is better but we could afford the fish i wanted now so i decided to go ahead and order.  I ordered 9 lyretail anthias, i was really excited about getting another school of fish in my tank being the chromis i have now aren't really a school anymore because of deaths over the last year or so.  So anyway, i ordered on sunday night the order was prosessed and we shipped on tues with a wed. delivery date.  Apparently they got delayed in IN. due to the weather adn were going to be a day late.  I was a little concerned but figured everything would be ok, what one more night?  Well i got home from work on thursday and still no package, now i was really concerned, i checked with fed-ex and the informed me my package was at the local station and was scheduled to be delived on Friday.  That would have been 3 nights in the cold, i am certain all of the fish would have been dead by then so i decided to go pick them up and see if i could save them.  When i got home i was suprised only 1 was DOA but the others looked very stressed.  At this point i was really wishing i had a quaranteen tank setup.  Being i didn't i decided to take the chance, i acclimated them for about 3 hours and decided to release them in my display.  The next morning i found 4 that were alive and the rest were MIA.  So as of now i am out 5, $20 fish, SWF.com apparently doesn;t have a phone number for customer support, they require you to email about any DOA's or losses.  After further reading i come to find that they require you to mail back the bodies of the dead which i find very revolting, who wants to handle dead fish and ship them>?!??  I have been told by a couple other members that i can possibly get in store credit w/o sending back the dead ones, which i would really like to do being i was only able to find 1 body and have the 1 doa, also, i don;t really want to send anything dead in the mail, it just seems kind of wrong.  I understand SWF would like proof of deaths but like i said, i just think its disturbing.  I have emailed SWF on thursday about my losses but the only message i got back was automated telling me to send in the corpses if i want my money back.  At this point i wish i would have just let them all die and get my money back and order from Live Aquaria.  They have excellent customer support and are prompt to credit you for DOA's.  I am hoping SWF will make this right by atleast giving me credit for the ones that didn't make it.  Hopefully i will recieve an email from an actual person tomorrow and they will straighten it out, if not i will never order form them again and discourage others to as well.  Bottom line is i ordered from them because they were a couple dollars cheaper per fish, now after going through all this hassle i would have gladly paid $10 more a fish and got the proper customer service like LA.com has.
    I'll keep you posted as to what comes out of this, as of now i feel like i'm out $100.
  2. Benji

    Benji Inactive User

    good luck
  3. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    sucks they died, maybe some are hiding in your tank.

    ill bet they will help you out on the problem after you talk to someone about them getting stuck in shipping.
    if everything fails we will have to gang up on them and use shock and awe, the full power of Girs, hatemail them to death, till they give in.

    i just looked at a pic of those on swf.com and they are pretty colorful fish,are the remaining fish up to par?.
  4. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Really sorry to hear of your losses Jeremy.  I have only ordered once from SWfish.com.  It was a long time ago and everything was fine however I tried to change my order (add to it) before it shipped and I never got an response to my multiple emails I sent to them.  I have a problem with ANY company that does not have a phone number where you can converse with a real person.  Why would a company operate that way?  It doesn't say good things to me.  I hope that your remaining fish are OK and that the company will replace what you have lost.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i just emailed them when one of my fish died... didnt have to call or get a call..

    they just gave my account credit.
  6. BigBlue

    BigBlue Inactive User

    Hummmm..... didn't someone want to order from LA?/site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif J/k
  7. covey


    I will and lets me be clear NEVER EVER EVER...... EVER EVER order fish or SPS during the winter. Your just paying to have fish killed. If there is a ice patch, a snow flake, or cold gust of wind FED EX and UPS will delay shipments. They don't care if it is alive or not. Every winter its the same thing its just a bad idea.

    Not directed at you Jeremy more a general rant. I am still sore FED EX killed $300 of Acro 3 years ago.
  8. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    I hear ya Clayton, i have been preaching the same thing for the last few years about ordering during the winter months. The only reason i did it was because we had the extra money and none of the LFS ever had a good size group of anthias like i wanted.

    I got an automated email from SWF.com today all it was was we are sorry abour this bla bla bla here is a link to our return policy. I really can't believe they make you send back dead fish. I think its just absurd. I am sure they are doing it just to cover their own butt, but if i was trying to screw them over, wouldn't i just have let them sit at the fed-ex station one more night just so they would have all been dead, or said they all died? As of now i have 4 anthias in my tank and 3 bodies, there are still 2 bodies in my tank somewhere that i will more than likely never find so i guess i am just out those fish.

    Bottom line is SWF's customer service sucks, by asking you to return dead fish to get a refund or credit for just means that they don't trust their customers, so the question is, why should we trust them?
  9. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    heres their phone number

    Saltwaterfish Dot Com

    Appears in the Category:
    Tropical Fish Wholesale

    920 Valley Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34946

    (772) 462-0203
    give em hell.
  10. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    Thanks Sean, thats one thing i can't stand is automated messages instead of one on one customer service, i will call them tomorrow and see what we can work out. At this point even if they refund me for the whole damn order i will still never buy from them again.
  11. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    yeah man thats been bugging me all day, i was on their site last night reading all the b/s they talk about their service and all that.
    just thinking about after they get our money they make it hard as heck to get it back.

    on their site they have money back guarantee written all over the place, i hate that crap.

    i bought some rock about 5 years ago from aquacon, when i got it, i dang near got a plane ticket to florida so i could put my foot in someones butt.
  12. Philby

    Philby Inactive User

    I'm very sorry for you situation and I hope you get it resolved.

    I do just want to say that I've ordered livestock 3 times over the past 6 weeks (last week of December, middle of January, beginning of Feb), twice from bluezooaquatics and once from liveaquaria and only had 2 DOA fish (all were group orders with between $200-$500 worth of livestock).

    Luckily I didn't experience any shipping delays - but I just wanted to point out that shipping in the winter is possible. Granted there's a greater chance of experiencing delays, but as long as you plan around the blizzards I think you shouldn't have any problems.
  13. got2lb

    got2lb Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Man this sucks. Did you put your foot up there butt or what?
  14. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    Ironically enough, I got an email from SWFish.com today saying that they missed me as a customer and that they were crediting my account with $20 on my next order.  It ain't going to happen!  I've only ordered from them once and it was two years ago.
  15. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    Posted By RobynT on 02/12/2008 6:12 PM
    Ironically enough, I got an email from SWFish.com today saying that they missed me as a customer and that they were crediting my account with $20 on my next order.  It ain't going to happen!  I've only ordered from them once and it was two years ago.
    email them back and tell them to credit waverz account with it so he can get his dead fish replaced, that'll throw em for a loop.
  16. Lee

    Lee Experienced Reefkeeper

    thats bull, maybe you could get some feeder goldfish and send them back /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif
  17. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    Got an email back from then earlier today, apparently signing my name as "Secretary of The Greater Iowa Reef Society" made them decide to go ahead and work with me on this. Imagine that....

    Basically, i still need to return the dead fish but i am getting credited for all 5.

    I still will never do business with them again, but it was worth a shot. They do have great packaging and if it wasn't for the weather and the fact that my fed-ex guy called in sick, things probably would have been a lot smoother and i wouldn't have had to deal with their customer service.

    This whole incident just makes me really wish we had a better LFS around these parts. We got it rough up here in the Loo'

  18. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    That thought did actually go through my head, they did look VERY similar to feeder goldfish by the time they were dried out.
    Posted By lee on 02/12/2008 8:04 PM
    thats bull, maybe you could get some feeder goldfish and send them back /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">
  19. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    The big scales on the goldfish might be a give away, but if you put enough salt in there.... and do you really think they even open the zip lock bag? Just sucks for the innocent goldfish... /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif

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