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visually confirmed mantis shrimp

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Guest, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    we have a mantis shrimp, we've seen his beedy little eyes, we have quarantined the rock he's in and confirmed visually he is in fact in that rock.
  2. DavidM199

    DavidM199 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    where the picture
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ha ha, no pics till we get him out of the rock
  4. mcclandy


    how did you suspect that you had a mantis in your tank?
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I heard the clicking and noticed hermits and snails going missing.
  6. Nykademus

    Nykademus Inactive User

    What are you going to do with the mantis once separated from the rock?
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    it seems I have someone who wants it who might be coming sunday to take him off my hands. I prefer not to kill anything that people might want.
  8. mcclandy


    I have something in my tank that makes a 'click' sound. Although, i always thought it sounded more like something tapping the glass. I have a barebottom tank. The sound is primarily at night, and morning when the lights are out. I have looked high and low but have not seen anything! Does this sound like your situation? How long did it take for you to figure it out that it is a mantis shrimp?
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The clicking/popping at night, per what I've read, can be either a pistol shrimp, (relatively harmless) or a mantis shrimp. I suspected the mantis shrimp because of the combination of factors, the clicking but also, that my blue leg hermits and snails were dissapearing, a few of my fish had (scars) and most importantly, my emerald crabs were missing leggs. Emerald crabs seem to be a favorite food of these guys from everything I've seen online in videos and forums. We didn't know for 100% sure we had a mantis shrimp until we saw his eyes poking out from a hole in the rock. Also, another interesting behavior in the tank, the cleaner shrimp, coral banded, and blood shrimp, seemed "frightened" of the other side of the tank, now that the mantis is out, they roam freely.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I started to think that maybe the little guy had died in the bucket of water I was keeping his hiding rock in. He wouldn't take the bait from any of my traps. Nope, once I got a chunk of shrimp within 1 cm of his hole, he snatched it. He's a quick little guy, I still have not been able to confirm how big or small his is since he won't extend more than his eyes out hardly.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    we know we've gotten one of them out, but DAMN IT! we've heard the popping of another one, and he's injurred our purple firefish, we really hope he'll be ok.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    we know we've gotten one of them out, but DAMN IT! we've heard the popping of another one, and he's injurred our purple firefish, we really hope he'll be ok.
  13. mcclandy


    That is interesting. I am suprised you couldn't get that thing out in the open with bait. I suspect becasuse I had a cleaner shrimp... for about a week and a half. They little guy seemed to be doing just fine. eating every chance he had; as well as picking the rocks, and attempting to 'clean' the fish. About a couple days after putting him in the tank, he would only sit in two places of the tank. The main place was up in a large frogspawn i have. Anyway, the week and a half later i found him dead laying near the frogspawn. Water quality seemed fine, except the hardness is a little high. I never did count legs or check and see if my shrimp was missing any body parts. I just scooped him out and flushed him. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  14. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    I have a mantis shimp trap if anyone needs to borrow it.
  15. mcclandy


    i am thinking about trying to make a trap... set it near the suspected rock, and see what happens. did you have pretty good luck with your trap CJ? i was going to use some frozen shrimp for bait?
  16. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    Actually I didn't have a chance to use it yet.  I had a pesky lobster that I was trying to get out of my tank.  That trap ended up being to small to catch it with.
  17. Nykademus

    Nykademus Inactive User

    If you do find the other mantis (or the person falls through for the first) I have a spare tank for it. Let me know.
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    we are now looking for the next mantis, we know we have another, it will take a while to find him. The guy did show up for the first one and confirmed that he was still clicking and alive in the rock when he got him home.
  19. mcclandy


    this morning i seen a shrimp exoskeloton laying on one of the rocks. I believe it is a pistol shrimp.... I will try to get some pics posted. This calms my nerves, since i originally thought it was a mantis.

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