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Webs on my shrooms!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rverbeck, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. rverbeck

    rverbeck Inactive User

    Ok so I finally bought my very first coral of any type on sunday from Mike at Pets Playhouse. I got some green mushrooms ( wanted to start as easy as possible [​IMG]). Well, when I got it home and started looking at it over the last couple of days, I saw that it had what looks to be webs strung across my shrooms. Well after further investigation, I see that there is something that periodically comes out of the rock that looks like two little antennea. When I watch it, I see that it is shooting webs and then after a while recoiling the webs back in like it is getting food stuck on the webs and bringing it back in. I tried to do research on the web, but have found nothing. I have talked to Tom @ Beyond the Reef/ and Nick @ Pets Playhouse and neither of them seem to know what it is but neither of them think it is anything to really worry about. Tomorrow I am planning on going to go talk to Hung (and buy some more easy corals[​IMG]) and see what he thinks. Does anyone here have any idea what it may be, or a website that might tell me. I'm sure its gotta be a parasite of some kind. I just cant find anything!
  2. phishcrazee

    phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    It's actually a type of snail, although it looks like a worm. They have a hard shell tube that will grow as the snail grows, often in a spiral, but they are a fixed type of snail, they won't move /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif When there is something in the water to "eat" they will send out a mucous strand which will trap the "food" and they will then "reel" in the mucous line and consume what they caught. They are harmless and I think they're sort of cute to watch /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif In time, they may even reproduce and you will find new ones in different locations in the tank. I have several in my tank. I forget the technical name for them..... I probably have it bookmarked somewhere if you want to know the name.
  3. phishcrazee

    phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper


    Here it is.......
  4. rverbeck

    rverbeck Inactive User

    THATS EXACTLY IT!!![​IMG]Thanks a bunch. I feel a lot better knowing that it is not going to bother anything in my tank. But.....I'm still going to Hungs, I just love looking at his stuff!!
  5. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    they are a pain in the ars, kill them while you can, they multiply like youve never seen.

    take a pair of hemostats and crush them.

    they send out that web and it irritates corals , making them close up.

    they are harmless but not wanted if you ask me, corals hate them.
  6. rverbeck

    rverbeck Inactive User

    I would love to do that, but how can I do it when the shell is literally inside the rock!! It doesnt stick out at all......
  7. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    all you have to do it crush the shell in some way, you will get better at it the sharp parts of its shell cut them and destroy them.

    if you were to go to the hardware store and buy a long skinny screwdriver you can crush or stab it thru the shell, and really give it a good scramble.

    i use a long pair of hemostats and just grab it and crush it, pull the snails body out and the fish eat it.

    if you look around your tank, look for a small smokestack looking thing on the rocks, they are easier to spot when you feed, those are the offspring, the are really easy to kill at that point.

    i didnt mean to alarm you, but i had them on my rock and it got overwhelming and if you ask me, ugly.

    i just took 10 minutes a day and one part of the tank and started smashing them, they are pretty much gone, but a new one pops up a couple times a week, im sure there are plenty more underneath the rock.

    easy to get rid of, just smash em, somehow.
  8. phishcrazee

    phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    I only have a handful in my tank and it's been up a couple years. I think it depends on the amount of food for them whether they over multiply or not. I have not seen them irritate my coral, as the strand they send out is usually into the water column and not over a coral. That's been my experience anyways.......
  9. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    Posted By phishcrazee on 02/09/2008 8:16 AM
    I only have a handful in my tank and it's been up a couple years. I think it depends on the amount of food for them whether they over multiply or not. I have not seen them irritate my coral, as the strand they send out is usually into the water column and not over a coral. That's been my experience anyways.......
    its probably the species, when i first noticed them in my tank, i thought it was pretty cool.
    i thought wow look at the cool new things growing, LOL.
    i searched for spiderwebs in reeftank and found a site that was basically about that subject and from what i read , theres like 100 different types of these critters, some arent even snails.
    the ones i have are a real pain in the butt, i kid you not, they went from a couple to a hundred in a couple months, after killing the big ones it stopped. i guess like anything else they have to be sexually mature.
    they are still there though, but they are marked for death. they send that string up and its like injins sending up smoke signals, then the cavelry arrives and stomps em out.
    i take no prisoners, but for you, i can get you some for your tank./site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/laugh.gif
  10. got2lb

    got2lb Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I had them in my tank. They were really bad at first. I started smashing them whenever I saw them and after a while they pretty much started disappearing. The more you overfeed the more you'll have. Make sure when you're feeding frozen food to drain the excess liquid off before feeding it to the tank. And also be careful when you're picking up rocks and stuff with them on it. They're pretty sharp when you grab onto one.

    Here's a pic of one in my tank.

  11. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    yep those are the culprits, hang em high.

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