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WTB 24" lighting

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Shaun, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Shaun

    Shaun Inactive User

    My nephew has a 28 gallon bowfront tank that he started as a saltwater experiment. Now he used gravel instead of sand. I thought now way it will work but it is. So now that it is working and running he does need better lights. If anyone has some 24" T5 lights or even PC's they are willing to part with let me know. He has two paper routes but does not make a lot of money and he wants to pay for everything himself. Thank You. Shaun and Tyler
  2. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    I have a 175w halide balast and bulb id let go for 60$. Bulb is a little older but its a hamilton bulb. I bought it from another guy on here for 100$ with a cheap ebay bulb in it. I over paid wayyyy too much but was in need at the time. You would need a 10$ socket and 15$ reflector and have a full halide set up. Let me know... Thanks.
  3. fishyness

    fishyness Inactive User

  4. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    I have this odyssea 24" 380 total watts just got it bout mayb like 4 months ago... didn't use it for the first month as I was setting up... and no these don't have the problem over heating... those where the really old ones the new one have better wiring.  and electronic ballast for the 250watt MH  15k bulbs w/ alot of life left on them... looking at getting mayb like $125... you may call me if your interested at 319-899-3875 my name is Marc
    p.s. here is the link for my setup:     http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea.../54201.htm
  5. Reefdumb

    Reefdumb Inactive User

    I would have to check but I have a 20 or 24 in. PC I will give for free. to the youngster

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