Separate names with a comma.
Need some cash so I figured I would throw a sweet pack out and see if anyone was interested. Payment must be made in full via PayPal for me to...
Had this on my planted discus tank. Took the system down and don't need it anymore. Milwaukee controller, aquatek regulator, and a mostly full...
I have one I made out of a old calcium reactor. It's about 4.5ft tall and has a 8in diameter. Works great. It takes about a month to fill up. But...
Thanks for posting this. I needed a laugh.
I agree with everyone else sounds like something is leaching from somewhere. Like Craig said possibly a broken impeller magnet. I would take every...
Glad to see you back!
Is this nick from Cedar Rapids?
Looks like it's going to be amazing
It I was closer I would give you a frag to test your water.
I have a piece of Tonga with a green torch on the tip of a branch and it looks pretty cool.
I'm pretty sure if you disturb one to much trying to catch it it will spew out its toxic guts. The result being the same as Daves.
How the tank looking now Chris?
Your scaring me! I have one to but he stays hidden all day and only extends half his body from under the rocks to feed. What type was yours? Mine...
Very sorry to hear this Dave:( How did it make it's way to the sump to get into the skimmer? Bill
Was just a number off the top of my head not literal.
Glad to see you pushing forward. My tank is recovering and I still have a lot of the high end stuff I got from you. Let me know when your ready...
@ShaneP no the salt wasn't old. I have used 15-20 boxes or so seance the tank restart. That being said they where the big boxes with one large bag...
I'm sticking with good old reef crystals from now on!
I have had a lot of problems with my tank seance the restart in the spring. Corals just didn't grow fast and color was scratchy. Everything was...