Separate names with a comma.
Sweet! Thats my day off.
The restaurant is good but dont get too excited about the tank. It still looks good and all but there is only one tang, one lunar wrasse, one...
Hey Adam, Is it male or female? It could be a good addition to the restaurant tank.
I was in there this weekend as well. I asked about the wrasses in the corner tank and he told me they were all spoken for already. They will...
I think this costly parasite has totally wiped out the restaurant tank I take care of. Im down to about only five fish left and an empty budget. ...
Im sure you know someone who knows someone who can get you a deal on a pair of those, dont ya Craig.
I bought the great white for the restaurant tank and its a beast. My shoulders burn after every cleaning. Oooh and it works awesome. Josh
Well I did add quite a bit of my own refugium rubble to the sump and in about a couple of days the levels came down to acceptable perameters. I...
I fear that I have made the classic mistake of overloading the tank with too much to fast. As some of you know, I just completed rebuilding a...
Casey, I need two fans to cool the lighst at the Ferraris tank. I think BRS only has one kind. Josh
Just make sure that if you use it, you get the original plane ones. Some of them have additional cleaners that woudl be devastating to your tank....
Yup, The rocks are in and I put five fish in yesterday. Kind of funny, they have ten feet of swimming space but all five are still in the same...
The tank is up and running now and I must say it looks awesome!! I would sincerely like to thank those of you who helped with the transition. I...
Iff I had a camera and knew how to post pics I would. This would be a great build thread. I filled the tank with tap water today and everything...
We got the tank down on Sat and cleaned up pretty good. On Sunday when we were putting it back up I was horrified to see a small crack in the...
Whats the fee to get that test done?
Whatever you dont get rid of to other club members I could use to take up space in the restaurant tank out at Ferarris. Josh
Anyone ever ordered anything but crabs and snails from these guys? I see they are a sponsor and have pretty competative pricing on fish. ...
I second that. Epoxy or silicone the slate to the bottom of your tank. Silicone might be easier to remove in the future.
For all of those who are willing to help, I will be out there bout 9:30 - 10:00 at the PIPAC center. We will start upstairs in the restaurant and...