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[img]found about 3 lbs at backbone today,some big ones!!!! get out there,half were in knee high foliage
i was going to get a few other things so if you guys want to go for the build your own cleaner packages to save a few bucks thats cool,i can wait...
i have this week off and i could use a few things,let me know also!
i will be there if i don't have to work!
went out on sat after the rain and found about 2 lbs. they were mainly yellows and most were still hidden under leaves and such.but they are...
yes,thanks for sharing,very entertaining!!
Craig shot Bigfoot in his woods and is now waiting on the taxidermist!!!
i have a few frags from reefkoi that i got off ebay(real nice) also bluezoo gets some of their coral from them.
what do you have for a clean up crew? i strongly suggest mexican turbo snails,they are a bigger snail but my 90 gal had some algae problems(a...
home brew and morels,i feel like homer simpson,mmmmmm
well i have been checking the morel mushroom pages and i think its getting close(another couple of weeks and it is on) lets start updating each...
there's more than one adam,they found one in 2008 and they have seen more of them,so i think a few more will show up!
you want one don't ya,so do i,simply beautiful!!!
thanks Ret for the links,good stuff! i look forward to following this fish story!!!
there is more of them,i put something up awhile back on one that was caught a few years ago. it would be nice if they could start breeding them,it...
check this out if you haven't already
i have one you can have,i live in waterloo
i will take 2 gallons of Phytoplankton and 2 bags of rotifers and i will buy a bag of diy food from you
i am in for a couple of gallons of Phytoplankton and some rotifers!
even though they are some what affordable these days,i have wanted a mystery wrasse for some time now