Separate names with a comma.
That's a choats leopard wrasse.
In stock we have some china pearl wrasse, blue line wrasse, fillimented flashers, mystery. Just to name a few.
It was great seeing you again Bob it's been a while. Glad you liked what we are doing at the store.
If it was me I would dispose of it. They can become very invasive
Yeah we sell birth of those at the store. We recently got the dr Tim's in stock in both the caviar and frozen foods and have found it to be...
There is a new food available that has medication for this impregnated in it. Dr Tim's reef caviar is what it is called
It could also be the exact opposite and the Eco tech fixtures could go down.
Oh dude that sucks. I agree time for a ato
Your nitrates and phosphates will be 0 because the cyano is feeding off it. You can use chemi clean to rid it but it will just come back until...
So you would rather keep it in a bag then trade it in or give away to a store to resell and re home. Brilliant
One of the biggest things with sps dominant tanks is nutrient control. With that in mind get yourself a gfo and or a bio pellet reactor, carbon...
Fuel is good stuff. The things you bring up do not sound fuel related to me but rather nutrient and or lighting. Couple things change your filter...
i have had this happen before and in my experience, the controller located hydra instead of vega. I would try the setup again making sure you...
A 20 long would be ideal imo
I would be happy to help you in anyway I can get going and move forward. feel free to message me or visit me at Coral Haven in bettendorf.
American Dj Pc-100A Rack Mount Power Switcher 30 bucks on amazon