Separate names with a comma.
Anyone up for a get together next Sat the 20th? Thinking about taking down the Ferarris tank next weekend. Got a new plan in place also. Need...
The tub is in a totaly dark room and I have an old pond pump running in it for circulation. The rock came from Waverz old tank. So it was once...
I started soaking the rock I got for the restaurant aquarium Im setting up soon. Is there a suggested time limit for this or just until nitrates...
Just vistited the site. Looks awesome. What kind of lights are you growing your corals from? Or at least taking the pics from? Josh
To bad I couldnt make it to your stop Brian. I stopped by but it was probably too late, didnt see anyone around. Couple of guys found excuses to...
Ive got two bushy nose in a tank that I will be taking down soon. Just dont know when yet. Im in CF. Josh
I dont have an RBTA but do have a rather large LTA. Its about 20" in diameter and about to get evicted out of my tank. Josh
if your gonna do that you might as welll epoxy all your rocks together too. Oh and say goodbeye to all your coraline. Josh
I liked the yellow tangs the size of pie plates. Oooh and the wrasses.
Just looked at the schedule and it doesnt look like I can get the day off. Depending on what time we start I could be stop and would tag along...
I think they have changed there rules lately and you have to be a registered member with so many posts to be able to log in and see the...
Thinking of investing in a controller for my 120. Any recomendations for a mid level aquarist like me. Ive looked at AC and Reefkeeper. Any...
Craig(xroads) got his made from someone up on MN. His were acrylic though. Josh
If you want to upgrade, I would go with two 250s. Not sure whats best, HQIs or single ended. If you want to just switch bulbs I would choose...
I 2nd that. Looks like a Mushroom and Kenya Tree.
The Jan dates work better for me as that will be my weekend off. Josh
Unless Casey already has dibs on it, Ill take it. Ive got a couple of mushrooms I could trade and lifetime supply of pulsing xenia if your...
I recently saw in the frozen food isle at HyVee a whole bag of mixed scallops,clams, and raw squid and octopus. Ive been thinking I could by a...
Anyone out there have a 54W T5 retro lying around. I want to add at least two or four more bulbs to my 4 bulb set up on my 120g. Josh
Looks like youve been using the Kreg Jig. Good work. Josh