Separate names with a comma.
several, I have some that almost never sees light other then whats in the room and it does fine.
There was an article where they put one together in an Applebee's in mew York. They made it look like the jersey shore boardwalk with a big...
missed it was this the applebees episode?
OMG , Joe has lost his mind over here at Coral Haven. New updated list of whats on sale. Reg. Clownfish (Reg. $19.99) ON SALE $14.99...
Tank raised, regularly $20 on sale $15 Tank raised black and white, regularly $30 on sale $25 Also blue damsels on sale $3
yup they will be fine, I had both along with about 4 other wrasse in my 90
I still would steer away. I have seen lights like them over many tanks at frag shows, they are re badged value fixtures and I feel you will end up...
seahorses and or anemones are not for beginners, you really need to get your hands wet for a little while before you get into them. I strongly...
Depends on the defintion of reef safe. They wll eat any fish they can fit in their mouth and try to eat any fish they cant. But they wont touch...
I have to agree with Craig here. A 75 isnt really set up for larger fish. A dwarf angel would be the largest I would go but feel wrasses would be...
I really like them myself, we had 4 of the yellow banded at the store and I was able to get them to eat brine. Unfortuneatly I lost 2 to mini...
i do like the part of retail for 500-700 bucks though.
not mine
Shipping isn't cheap but their tanks cost less. When I was there I had them quote me the exact same tank and stand, which they build furniture...
oh it will be full of coral. I got the hook up.
sorry I still have not gotten the hang of posting pics yet. full tank shot. [img]
this photo is of the corners. notice how they are not very square [img]
So finally after about 6 months I got my tank up and running. To give a little back story I ordered a 30x30x16 tank from glass cages. I was so...