Separate names with a comma.
Posted By xroads on 11/14/2008 12:25 PM They are expecting someone so just ask for Craig's package. Riiiiggghhhttt, Good one... [img] ...
Those are sweet!!! Do you have any pics of the ORA stuff?
try training him to eat pellets and frozen food. It is cheaper and a heck of a lot easier than pods...
You would think with the price of the hall there would be staff there to handle the clean up...
Duct tape should work juuuuussssttt fiiiinnnneee... [img]
Posted By apjohnson on 11/06/2008 09:02 PM Hey Travis, Sorry, I wasn't trying to insult your taste, just giving my preference. I know lots of...
Is the PS3 online equal to Xbox Live? I have never seen a PS3 in action. I know I definately feel like I get my money's worth out of LIVE, but...
Well I am one of the nuts that think Gears 1 was amazing. The graphics IMO make Halo 3 look cartoonish. The gore is over the top, but that was...
Anyone else a big Gears fan?
Make sure you are cleaning that sponge filter or it will quickly become a source of nitrates and hair algae.
Phyto cultures if kept completely sterile are cheap, but I have never found a way to keep things perfectly sterile and found I needed to restart...
Phytoplankton is fun to grow once, but can be expensive to try to do long term. I used to do it while growing out clownfish fry, but if i try my...
You are going to paint the inside of the canopy correct? If not I would highly suggest it as even with several coats of marine grade varnish my...
I want my rental money back... This movie was lame and they tried way too hard to make it something it wasn't.
You could try black saddle backs, but black false perculas are the same as orange ocellaris and you may have a war on your hands and end up with...
Posted By jbrunken on 10/29/2008 04:45 PM I'd find a new home for a couple of your clowns... More than 2 is a crowd and they will most likely...
Vote Joel!!!
Go with one royal gramma and you have a great plan.
There is enough light for the lower light sps, but I would stick to easier/ lower maintenence items. Shrooms, xenia, kenya tree, leathers,...
Jeremy what is the easiest way to get to your house comming from Indee on 20?