Separate names with a comma.
Yes have the speaker/s first. As a bonus the ones that attend the speakers get first dibs on the coral before you open the floor. As for late...
I know I would preffer a food grade drum. I would like any info I can get about anyplace that would have some.
I would like to get 2 if you can. I will be at fall fest most or the day if your going
Looking for clean plastic 55gal drums for water storage
AJ I have 4 5 gal jugs you can use and buckets, not sure how many lids I have
I have 3 ecoxotic Stunner LED Strips 1. blue, 1. white, and 1. 50/50. 15 gal sump with a rio 8HF for a return pump
got my 20 gal set up, here is one pic. Its with my phone so its not great [img]
Yes fish really aren't a cleaning devise for a sump. Some food will go to the sump but not much. Look for snails, crabs, and star fish that eat...
QT can be a 10 Gal with a little substrate, some small rocks for hidding with some fish. Filtration you want something bigger than is...
It is a jawfish
Bela, you doing a predater tank or can you put cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp in the tank. Larry
Hospital tank
I'm ordering stuff on sunday if anyone needs some small stuff.
I've got rock for sale but it has aptasia..$2.00 lb. I can take care of most of the aptatia if you want it
Looking for keepers of Tanks in restaurants. or other stores that want coral. I've tried to sell them but not many buyers. If they go to a...
When I can get my red corris wrasse out your more then welcome to him. I dont know how the Sixline would like a 4 in. red corris though. mine...
I would go with a sixline wrasse if it will fit in the system (with the other fish)
Someone said the real size to picture size of my brains were off hope the golfball helps................... The first pic was with no flash on...