Separate names with a comma.
This is the bulk head or to be more specific a tube that goes all the way down my overflow chamber.
I was changing out my flex tube for a rigid one with extra exyentions on my return pump and this happened. Not sure what brand or what this system...
I will have about 15-20 frags I will bring in small baggies.
I will be driving from Lisbon to the South side of CR at about 9:30 if anyone wants to park close to 380 & 30 I can pick you up. I expect to stay...
I love this idea I have a few frags I am interested in selling. I will update this post later after I get things fragged out.
Thanx Bud I will move it.
darn just a couple hours too late :(
Not sure if he is a vendor but I just saw on FaceBook that Bronson's in Iowa City is closing his shop. Last I saw 3-4 weeks ago there was not...
So much for any snail that is grazing on the front glass. :eek:
Loks like a lot of hard work has gone in already. How do you plan on keeping up with Google or Yelp who are already established?
Do you have the model or dimensions of the Bubble magus? I don't know much about them but I could use something to lower my phosphates.
I have been pretty busy myself and have not been on line much and the tank is also showing signs of my neglect. If i think of gathering...
i can help you out if you are ever around CR.
I drink beer! :) Another suggestion is look for the next local GIRS meeting and come out and chat with the members.
Can I just say "Atta Boy" to @Fence13 ! I think that is so cool that you are giving back to the hobby you love. It is neat to see you helping...
+1 on the pic, would love to see it.
I asked an electrician and I was told it was for a larger current than we have here in the states. So I only need to use two of the holes. Any...
oh I read this wrong I thought you were asking about it IN the tank on the bottom. Because I saw one guy do that and I was not sure why, I did not...
Just picked up a T5 lighting fixtures. Just a couple questions is there a reason I can connect 2 black and two white wires? I know a little about...
He is still hiding out and I have not seen him eat anything yet. I hope the green hair algae I have is enough to keep him going until he is brave...