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[img][img][img][img][img][img][img] Here we go I think it worked that time Thanks, Josh
I have some equipment for sale as I am not going to be setting up my SPS tank right now due to my current ATV addiction. I have for sale an ETSS...
I second the big stock tank idea, I bought my 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank at Menards for around $70 I think it was.
I have cleared up diseases on fish before by soaking their food in some garlic. It also strengthens their immune system.
Looks like those are the BSP's Brown Star Polyps. They grow in a purple encrusting mat just like the GSP's but dont have the green tentacles.
Im still here...I actually just decided to get my tank going again after the move, gotta order some new lighting.
Where are you located?
Im interested in some or all of the live rock if you are parting out.
Im looking for a 40 gallon. What are the dimensions on that? How much $ ?
I have frags of Pokerstar, Sunset, Reverse Sunset, Superman, Reverse Superman, Rainbow, and will have frags of chocolate mint and supernatural...
My brother in California bought a Moto Guzzi. They are sweet bikes, Italian made. The thing I like about them is the cylinder heads are on the...
Those look fun indeed, Its like real life Guitar Hero hahaha. Not a bad price at $299 for the 75 W Man that makes me want to buy another guitar...
I watched all the seasons on youtube. That is some funny sh*t. I think after season 8 they just made a movie.
I was just looking to buy about a half dozen mangroves if anyone had any to get rid of, or had any info. on the best site to order them from....
I was wondering the best kind of Ozone Unit to get. I have read that some of the ozonizers like the red sea are so innefficient that they really...
I was just wondering where the best place was to order an AC3 and Ozonizer? I will need the whole ball of wax with all the probes and a DC8. I...
Im interested! When can i pick them up?
I am looking for some calcium reactor media. Wondering if anyone had any extra to sell? Thanks, Josh
Im intersted! When can i pick it up in IC?
Awww man, This is the first year i have to go out of town to hang out with my g/f's family for Christmas. Otherwise i would be the perfect...