Separate names with a comma.
Thanks Casey.
Hanna calcium and alkalinity test kits are sold.
I'm imagining you need the 30 but I have a 15 Blue G5 if you are interested. Its in my post at the top of this forum.
I don't but if you Pm me I can give you my phone number.
Sure. I also have a Hanna Ph meter and a bottle of Hanna 7.0 fluid. That would be $20 total for that one. What would you like? Pm me what you...
Most items include original boxes and manuals.
Unfortunately, no. If someone from here is going to Fall Fest and they would want to take it to you if you payed with Paypal I could send it with...
Hello Loren. The bio cube stand is just the stand. It is an older one. Not the newest one. The jbj 10 gallon looks just like the pictures...
Getting out of the hobby sale. Price in parentheses is the list price of the items. Other price is what I am asking. There may be more things...
I've got a small gsp frag if someone wants to come get it.
Apparently Elliot's hermits had their way with the hare and it is no longer. :cry:
Elliot (erayk1) currently has the Hare. If he passes it along please post that you have it here. Thanks!
Not here. But they look great.
Its been a while since I've had algae in my tank but now I have some so I bought another Hare. This time without any invertebrates to bother it...
I bought Hanna Phosphate Ultra Low Range Reagent accidentally meaning to buy Low Range reagent. It is shrink-wrapped and the official item code...
As the subject says. I bought this recently and have used it once. It works great. I just need the money more now than I did before. I paid...
Your corals are always so beautiful Jeanette. I might be interested in a blue Echinata frag if you have one. Mine bleached out after being...
Still available.
Both are still available.