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Matt and Jill hows things going haven't seen you two for awhile. You and the kids need to make the trip down this summer to go swimming cook out ....
That is some nice sps for a bill GLWS Bill
Sold pending pickup and approval of the buyer (He won't be disappointed)
Thanks Craig I was hoping you was ready for it. Also thanksJermey I also know you liked it.
Thanks Kyle for posting the picture
I have a metershower show piece for sale that will require a large system, it measures 7inches tall 10 inches across the bottom. fully encrusted....
That is a nice light I have that one on my sps tank and my corals love it GLWS
If you guys need help I could help for set,up send me a pm
That is a sweet line-up Nice job Waterloo/Cedar Falls Area
Any time David. Like I said I have taken all my powerheads out. But I am still playing with it
Just got done installing my new gyre this morning. I have been playing with the mold settings all morning and I will say this thing can move some...
If you are going to Spring Fest in Waterloo Look up Jeremy (QC) beckerj3 (DesM) PotRoast(MP) GIRS members they have the best price
I buy all my wrasse from Joe in QC he has some of the best. PM him on what you want he will take care of you. It is worth the drive. If you want...
Lee / Kyle thanks for the response I had others also reply back. As for the next DIY I will have to look at the dates. Maybe we could have it in...
Love it. I have a friend that is doing the same thing on his 150 and it is also kicking ***. He has sold a ton of coral out of it because it is...
I am down to my last bag of this I would like to know if the region is up to doing this again. I can offer my place unless somebody else wants to...
That is one of the best algea eaters that I have in my 120. Very active
How about a male and female spotbreast angelfish
I think the wife has giving up on me. But she will come down in my cave and say that is new. My reply [img] I had that it my system some other...
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