Separate names with a comma.
What kind of cichlids you got and where are you located? I may be interested in just the fish for a tank I manage. Josh
Ill be building a new light canopy over my 75 soon. I got dual unit retro 250MH from Travis a while ago that Im going to use. I know there are...
Hey Wes. I'd be interested in the zoas and maybee the urchin. Does it like to eat caulerpa? PM sent Josh
I have a few rather large frags of montipora ( 1 red and 2 green). At the moment they are growing quite well but are jagged and growing every...
Ive been looking to upgrade my T-5 lights over my 75. While on vacation this summer in Waikiki we went to the aquarium and my wife asked me why...
Thats seems to be what I have read. The fish that are suposed to eat it usually dont. I swear I have like every kind of caulerpa in the tank...
Im about to give up on corals and just start a caulerpa farm. Besides manually picking it out, is there any other way of getting rid of it? Josh
I got a message from him last week and he said the stuff is in but he is busy with finals and hasnt been able to get out.
Has anyone here experienced keeping small puffers, such as sadle back or honeycomb, in a reef aquarium. There profile says not reef compatable...
Wish I could make it folks. Unfortunatley I will be sitting on a beech in Hawai at about that time. Ill be thinking of you all. Josh[img]
Heey Haah, PM sent[img]
Id say we got a pretty good deal. Mine seems to be doing great under my T5s. I have him way up on the top rocks. I did a little house keeping...
Im in. This should get us into the free shipping range! PM sent.
Im in for one 2" clam, purple and green Turbanaria and a purple candy cane. PM sent. Josh
I think most people running t5s usually run them for about 12 to 18 months.
I just replaced my T5 bulbs. I have 5 used bulbs that would still be plenty good for a Fish Only tank. These bulbs have about 18months on t...
Why do all the good meetings fall on my days to work. May be able to get ot of though. Josh
Not in a hurry really. Got a reactor for Christmas, but havnt had any media to run thru it yet. Im still in for the order unless you want to...
Casey, Im good for some phosban. When are you going to order? Josh
Youre definately right on that one. Pretty slim pickins around here. I usually go to the Petco on Tuesday nights and see there order list and...