Separate names with a comma.
Coral List Corals: Green Slimer Acro 6 inchs and encrusting on small rock nicely. $30 Jedi Mind Trick Monti - Mini Colony 3.5 X 4 Inch $40 2...
Had a few ask me for a fish list. All my fish have been in my system for a long period of time, eating like champs and fat/health. Female Large...
Nothing is spoke for. I'm free pretty much anytime after 4:30PM during the week and home all weekend, unless running to the store.
Here is a tank shot of the 225g from 5 months ago. [ATTACH]
If the purchase was large enough, I would be willing to meet in Williamsburg. This is only the tip of the ice burg. I have dozen or so more fish...
The time has come to sell off. I need to focus my time and money on our new home build, but don't worry once we are in the new house we will be...
Put the fan on low. People naturally think putting on high helps more, but doesn't. I learned this with my contract with ServPro when pulling...
I'm breaking down the 225G and hoping to setup a tank quick to keep my favorite items.
I'm breaking down my beautiful 225G. Its in GREAT shape and a eye catching stand. I'm moving and plan on doing a new 340 built in the new house. I...
Giving two cents on my experience. Purchased 4 lyretail anthias with Ick. Two made it pass QT. Been living in my display over 2 years. Purchased...
How big of a tank? I would not recommend putting different colored clowns into a small system.
I have large clowns in bubble tips with no problems. Seems when they first started hosting they did beat up the anem a lot. But everything...
Some scaly fish will rub no mater what. I have a clean and healthy system and randomly my lyretails will rub. Never ever had signs of flukes or...
Flukes are clear when alive and white on a fish when dead. After they fall of they fish scale can have a white looking bite mark. These marks...
Looking at your support braces should be fine. I have a cutout like this on my 225 and no problem at all.
I have an issue... My coral are out growing their space and my tank. I am also in the works on building a new home next August. So with everything...
I have PLENTY of Cheato, some Turtle grass and calerpa Fern. Cheato is free, Turtle grass and Calerpa for $10 together. Located in Pleasant Hill.
I am selling all my remaining encrusting monti cheap. Would like gone ASAP. Willing to meet around the DSM area. Reverse Superman Colony - Bigger...