Separate names with a comma.
Oh, certainly. I am from the area myself (Ventura County). Just curious, what brought you to these parts? I didn't find this place until I moved...
So a few weeks back I was cleaning the tank and I went a little crazy on the sand. Let's just say I learned why not to mix your sand around. It...
Ordered one on eBay. Turned out cheaper that way, plus I could use PayPal balance! Should be here early next week. Want to make sure it works ok...
Santa Monica, CA?
I think I might order one. $6 and change on amazon and $5 shipping. Want me to order you one with my order?
I had never heard of the nimble nano so I just googled it. Here is a comparison (mostly just sizes) that I found. Unless I am looking at this...
Is it soft? I have actually seen coralline algae come in this (and many other colors), but that would be hard, of course.
Are you thinking of the one by oceanic? I am a little hesitant to grab it. Most of the additional stuff oceanic makes for their biocube is of...
As you all know (or maybe you don't), this past summer, I downsized from a 150 to a BC29. I ended up keeping my algae free hammerhead for glass...
Can you post a link? I'm not finding it searching Facebook. Could be me though. I despise social networking and never use such sites unless I am...
I might have to make a trip down there. Miss class and everything! Can't wait for the official add. [img]
Ok. where are you located?
Still haven't seen him since I introduces him to the tank but everything looks great. Maybe he comes out at night (or just when I am not home...
I'm just going off of the picture in the link. Wild colors like that are demanding more than $20 a pop literally everywhere I looked. Now whether...
Maxi minis seem to be all the new rage (and based on some of the color patterns I can see why!) I saw some pretty fantastic colors on ebay and...
So I decided to grab a cuke at FF and just had a few questions. Do these guys like to hide (like everything newly introduced)? I ask because I...
Easy stuff. Thanks!
I tried sprint for a year and just couldn't handle their data speeds and spotty reception in Ames. Great prices though!
Just thought I would offer this here before the holidays (if it is not allowed please remove). It is a For Sale thread of sorts.... I have been...
18,19 Presale?